The Heart Yearns

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The Heart Yearns


masterlist: atticus/lizzie
masterlist: cameron/jenny
masterlist: eddie/charlotte
masterlist: jamie/kayley
masterlist: julius/genevieve
masterlist: malachi/sophia
masterlist: miles/kathryn
masterlist: quinn/regan
masterlist: ried/melanie
masterlist: robbie/suzie
masterlist: rossalyn/addy
masterlist: sean/lena
masterlist: thomas/abby
masterlist: wayne/hannah

reference: important dates
reference: wood family tree
reference: thy family trees

pairing: atticus/lizzie
pairing: cameron/jenny
pairing: eddie/charlotte
pairing: jamie/kayley
pairing: julius/genevieve
pairing: malachi/sophia
pairing: miles/kathryn
pairing: quinn/regan
pairing: robbie/suzie
pairing: rossalyn/addy
pairing: sean/lena
pairing: sean/lena: france
pairing: sean/lena: muggles
pairing: thomas/abigail
pairing: wayne/hannah

character: abigail
character: addy
character: alex
character: alexandria
character: alyth
character: amery
character: atticus
character: bailey
character: braden
character: bridget
character: caden
character: cameron
character: carron
character: charlotte
character: ciera
character: daniel
character: eddie
character: ella
character: ellon
character: genevieve
character: hannah
character: ilysa
character: jamie
character: jenny
character: jocelyn
character: jude
character: julius
character: kathryn
character: kayley
character: lena
character: leslie
character: lizzie
character: logan
character: malachi
character: miles
character: morgaine
character: nate
character: norah
character: oliver
character: oma
character: quinn
character: regan
character: ried
character: robbie
character: rossalyn
character: sean
character: sophia
character: suzie
character: thomas
character: wayne


January 25th, 2010

100 Words for character birthdays & anniversaries!

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Who:  Logan - January 21st

He always hoped for snow on his birthday.  It was usually something that came true, anyway, wish or not- but Logan didn't care.  He liked nothing more than waking up on his birthday to a world of white outside his window.  Where his siblings might have waited around for his parents to serve breakfast, Logan would find his coat, boots, and mittens to head outside and start building a fort.  He'd never forget his eigth birthday- more snow than he'd ever seen before, but better than that was when his mum brought him pancakes to eat in the newly-constructed fort.

Who:  Rossalyn and Addison - January 24th

Addy checked her reflection for the twelfth time that morning.  She was fine- she knew she was fine- but she couldn't help her worries.  Ross was probably already waiting outside, and yet here she was, in her childhood bedroom, bothered over one slightly-crooked seam or one uneven hair barrette.  She forced herself to stop, to breathe.  This room is where I met her, the thought came rather suddenly.  Merlin, had it only been three months?  A long time by some of her family members' standards, but still.  There was a knock on the door, and Jamie peeked in.  "Ready, love?"

April 30th, 2009

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Who: Sean and Lena
What: early morning conversations
Where: their room
When: Early March 2007

i'll see you in my dreams, hold you in my arms )

April 7th, 2009

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Who:  Sean, Lena, Ried (4), Ellon (3), Alyth (11mo), and in-utero!Logan (6mo)
What:  Lena comes home
Where:  Their home
When:  October, 2006

''Once in awhile, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale.'' )
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