The Division | OOC

June 2016

Welcome to The Roanoke Division, based out of the Boudon Estate in Blue Ridge, VA. The Division is a supernatural investigating team, working to locate and stop supernaturals that could potentially reveal all supernaturals to the human world through their criminal activity.
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March 8th, 2016



Hey bitches, it's me again. What's up? I got two more kids for you to play with.

First off this is Serafina Russo but Sera is just fine. She just arrived yesterday but is very familiar with the Roanoke Division. In mid-January, it came to the attention of the Division that several werewolf women and a couple of human women had gone missing. It was then discovered that these women were taken to an abandoned bomb shelter out in the middle of nowhere by a wannabe alpha wolf who was trying to make his own harem. Sera is one of the humans that was turned. Although she was given all the resources in the world, Sera never approached the local packs. Instead she kind of fucked up her apartment on her first full moon.

With the next one approaching, not sure what to do but also wanting to give back, she's decided to become a trainee in Major Cases and maybe get some help with her wolfiness which she definitely hasn't accepted yet. She's a nice girl with a sarcastic sense of humor and she tries not to be overly complicated. On occasion, she plays violin for the Roanoke Symphony Orchestra to get a little extra scratch.

SECOND [info]princethibs Alexander Prince Thibodeaux who will often introduce himself as Prince Thibodeaux just to see who will stick to calling him Prince or not. If that doesn't tell you everything you need to know, I don't know what will. He joined Crime Scene Clean-up training in mid January. His entire family came up from Louisiana after what is known on conspiracy theory websites as "The Blackwater Incident." His entire family is made up of hunters and witches so it's possible that some other hunter clans know of their family name.

He's sassy, fashionable, sings like an angel, and is a fire witch with a hint of necromancy thrown in for good measure. He was almost a human sacrifice for a faerie tithe which then cursed their town and literally took them off the map. All sorts of weird shit happened. Then three years later they sort of just popped back into existence and everyone noped the fuck out of there.



the dance is slowing down...

Just FYI - my grandmother is Not Doing Well (to clarify: she's been not doing well for years now, but it has progressed to capital letters) to the tune of making hospice inquiries and funeral preparations. I am the closest family member to her distance-wise as well as relationship/caregiver-wise. Please bear with me while we wait for the dance to end. We don't know if it'll be a week or a month or 2 months, but it is coming and things seem to be snowballing.

In terms of how I'm doing, I'm actually okay. At this point, I mostly just wish to end her suffering. However, these things are time consuming (and family, ugh) and not leaving me with as much brain-power as I would prefer.



Hey everyone! This is Chelsea again~ So, as is par for the course, I can't keep a female character going in a game at all? I don't know. This is a problem that I'll correct someday. Sigh. ANYWAY. I have this boy instead, who a few people might have seen elsewhere?

Either way, this is Laurie, brand new werewolf and trainee in crime scene cleanup. He's an idiot and a whirlwind of Bad Decisions. I love him for it, honestly. Emotional, reckless, not booksmart, and all set to do some really dumb stuff if you suggest it. You don't even really have to dare him usually. Just a mild suggestion is enough reason for him to jump off the top of a six story building. Very much an extrovert, he feeds off your energy, folks.

That Benny fellow right below is his bff and enabler but also keeps him from dying a horrible death because at least he has a brain.

Anyway, all the things pls! ♥ idk i'm sleepy but not tired and this is the best i could do