The Division | OOC

June 2016

Welcome to The Roanoke Division, based out of the Boudon Estate in Blue Ridge, VA. The Division is a supernatural investigating team, working to locate and stop supernaturals that could potentially reveal all supernaturals to the human world through their criminal activity.
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March 7th, 2016



Hello friends. I just wanted to give everyone a heads up that I will be out of town, professional-adulting (or pretending to). While I present a talk at an international conference (that I hope no one will attend), my lovely ladies will be somewhat indisposed. I'm down for tagging and such this evening, but Tuesday through Sunday will have significant delays compared to my usual. Luckily, there's free internet access at the hotel, so I can play some while pretending to do real people things. In the meantime, here is what my zany gals will be up to in my absence:

Anya - She's in HR, as usual, behind that pile of forms over there in the corner, staring into space, plotting evil. A usual few days for her. She's available, but it's unlikely that anyone would want/need to contact her.

April - She's had some radio silence for a minute now, so that will continue. I'm betting she got lost on the estate somewhere, and will eventually wander back to regale everyone with enthusiastic stories of grass and tress. Oh and flowers, there are flowers in the greenhouse, you guys!

Daryn - She's too responsible to just up and go anywhere, so she will be doing her usual thing around the Estate, training the trainees, pretending to be a grownup with other pretend grownups, you know how it is. She's available for trainee emergencies and frustration venting.

Harlow - Here's something interesting. Harlow put in for a shitton of sick/personal days (lets say a shitton equals like 5?) and jumped ship. She didn't tell anyone where she was going or why, but did report to her superiors that she'd provide doctors notes upon her return. She is unavailable via telephone, text, and e-mail until she tells me otherwise. If I wasn't her writer, she probably wouldn't have told me where she's going either, that sneaky bitch.

Ti - This girl is beyond mortified from her Valentine's Day shenanigans. She will never look at bacon and eggs the same. Otherwise, she's still around, cleaning up messes and serving up drinks at her respective positions. She's a little under the weather (not from anything amusing), so she is likely to be slow to respond to any contacts she might get.