The Divide

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The Divide



December 16th, 2007


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WHO: Emma Frost and Tony Stark's secretary
WHERE: SHIELD hellicarrier
WHEN: September 30
WHAT: getting information

here we go again )

December 16th, 2009

but they see me so large that they think i'm immune to the pain

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WHO: Matt Murdock/Daredevil
OPEN TO: Karen Page
WHERE: Karen's apartment
WHEN: September 28th, evening
WHAT: Oh hey, I made food...

December 15th, 2009

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Who: Matt Murdock/Daredevil
Open to: Rebellion types, in particular the baby capes and new recruits Matt hasn't yet met
When: September 29th, sometime after Peter and Matt's conversation.
Where: Hand HQ
What: The hideout has been taken over by strangers. This is a problem that needs to be remedied.

December 13th, 2009

Damn Lil Mama

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Who: Bobby Drake/Iceman
Open to: Lorna Dane/Polaris, Johnny Storm/The Human Torch, Reed Richards/Mister Fantastic, Jean Grey/Phoenix, Emma Frost/White Queen, and anyone else who has the urge to visit a strip club
When: September 27th, around 11pm
Where: A moderately classy strip club in New York City
What: The most awkward evening out, possibly ever.

December 12th, 2009

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WHO: Peter Parker/Spider-Man
OPEN TO: Anyone in rebel HQ.
WHEN: September 29th
WHAT: Even Spider-Man can brood. Just not very well. Or for long. Open thread, come tag in.



December 10th, 2009

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WHO: Bobby Drake/Iceman
OPEN TO: Jean Grey/Phoenix, Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat, any other X-Men who suddenly appear
WHEN: September 28th
WHERE: Xavier Mansion, the Danger Room
WHAT: Danger Room training session!

December 9th, 2009

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WHO: Matt Murdock/Daredevil
OPEN TO: Peter Parker, then to MJ
WHEN: September 25th, predawn hours
WHERE: Some rooftop somewhere in NYC
WHAT:  So, um, listen...I found your wife...8D

December 10th, 2009

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WHO: Nico Minoru
OPEN TO: Bart Allen/Kid Flash, whoever else is lurking around rebel hq
WHEN: September 29th
WHERE: Rebel HQ duuuuh.
WHAT: Oh my god, that other world has a Tommy...

December 9th, 2009

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WHO: Dick Grayson/Nightwing
OPEN TO: Stephanie Brown/Batgirl
WHEN: September 30th
WHERE: New York City
WHAT: So you're the newest member of the family...

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WHO: Johnny Storm/The Human Torch
OPEN TO: Bella Donna Boudreaux
WHEN: September 28th
WHERE: Somewhere in NYC
WHAT: Well hello there...

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WHO: Liz Sherman
OPEN TO: Anyone
WHEN: Sept 30th
WHERE: New York
WHAT: Liz arrives.. with a bang

Where there's smoke )

December 8th, 2009

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WHO: Jason Todd/Red Hood
OPEN TO: Slade Wilson/Deathstroke
WHEN: October 1, 2007
WHERE: hey guys what's going on in this rooftop
WHAT: Jason is busy getting ready to take over some gangs. Slade is just hangin' out. THEN THEY HAVE TEA. Or not.

They have ICE CREAM. Okay they didn't. )

If you had to live with this you'd rather lie than fall

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WHO: Stephanie Brown/Batgirl
OPEN TO: Clark Kent/tiny baby Superman
WHEN: morning after this, so the 29th 30th depending on if it was am or pm darkness the batkids were meeting under.
WHERE: Resistance HQ.
WHAT: Supers and Bats, the age-old requirement.

You think that I can't fly well you just watch me )

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WHO: Nico Minoru
OPEN TO: Peter Parker/Spider-Man
WHERE: Rebel Headquarters
WHEN: September 27th
WHAT: Sorry about that time I tried to light you on fire...

December 7th, 2009

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WHO: Slade Wilson / Deathstroke the Terminator
OPEN TO: Domino
WHERE: The Hellhouse.
WHEN: September 27th, at night.
WHAT: Mercenaries.

It's all about the money. )

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WHO: Dick Grayson/Nightwing
OPEN TO: Tim Wayne/Robin III, Jason Todd/Red Hood, Stephanie Brown/Batgirl
WHERE: New York City
WHEN: September 29th.
WHAT: Calling all Bat-kids...

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Who: Lorna Dane
Open to: anyone
Where: New York, close to the harbor
What: arriving
When: September 26

Second verse, same as the first )

I want to be dependable, I want to be courageous and good

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WHO: Stephanie Brown/Batgirl
OPEN TO: Tim Wayne/Robin (and whomever else is with him, if applicable)
WHEN: Sept 27
WHERE: where else? rooftops of NYC.
WHAT: bats and birds; Steph arrives.

I want to be faithful so that I can be heroic and true )

December 6th, 2009

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WHO: Clark Kent/Superman
OPEN TO: Mia Dearden/Speedy
WHEN: September 23th, afternoon
WHERE: Sekrit Ninja HQ
WHAT: Clark .. is being Clark.

Just call him Bob Villa. )

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WHO: Maria Hill
OPEN TO: Nightwing/Dick Grayson
WHEN: September 26th
WHERE: SHIELD helicarrier
WHAT: A hospital visit from Maria. As if being stabbed weren't enough for one day.


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