the department of mutant affairs

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the department of mutant affairs


February 28th, 2010

email to Forge

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To: Forge
From: Freakshow
Re: Follow Up

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January 25th, 2010


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To: [Forge]
From: [Freakshow]
Re: School Inspector

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January 20th, 2010

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He was wearing his suit (as always).

He had appropriate ID (Mr. Paul Winston, school inspector, thank you very much).

He had a briefcase with all kinds of relevant paperwork inside it (New York Times, for one, with a half-finished crossword inside it).

He pulled up outside Cassidy and Frost's Academy, and got out of the car where he proceeded to inspect the front of the building. After that, he walked to the front door and hammered on it.

December 21st, 2009

axial tilt: the reason for the season! (open to all)

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Weekends be damned! )

November 28th, 2009

the question is (kitty! and freakshow! and...idk, nosy people!)

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Emma Frost was a very busy woman.

Ever since waking up from her unanticipated psychic coma, she was busy making sure all the pieces of her Academy puzzle were together. There were loose ends with Secretary Cooper, several of her employees looking for work with the government and elsewhere, and the lingering questions of how to protect her students and her school.

People with ten years missing were a risk she wasn't going to take.

She had received a memo from Gambit about the issue, but neither the government nor she really knew what to do about it. So Emma was going to go right to the source.

Ms. Pryde. At your leisure, we should discuss the circumstances of your arrival.

And by her leisure, Emma meant now.

November 1st, 2009

decisive battle (open to all)

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To anyone driving by, the plain looked normal enough. A flat stretch of Virginia, tucked out of the way of the highways and the major cities. Just a plot of land.

But underneath was a lab rushing with activity.

It was times like this when Mimic wished he could duplicate himself still. )

September 27th, 2009

breaking the law (forge and freakshow!)

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If John had a sense of shame, this would have been embarrassing. )

July 5th, 2009

rocket's red glare (open to all)

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A July 4th celebration under Emma Frost and Sean Cassidy was a little different. )

(open to all! feel free to start mini-threads herein)

June 14th, 2009

o brave new world, that has such people in it [open]

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There were no pay phones left in Washington.

That was the first clue that things had changed. Kitty had spent a fair amount of time in and out of the nation's capital as a student at the Academy; while their powers training was much more of a priority, they'd gone on academic field trips to the Smithsonian and the like. But block after block where Kitty expected to find pay phones left her with empty spaces, and everybody talking into slim and tiny cell phones.

Finally she found one, in a dingy shopping center on the outskirts of the city. And Kitty called the only place where she was sure she could find answers.

[open to anybody at the Academy!]
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