Jun. 16th, 2018


Who: Catwoman and Batman
What: Trying on jewelry
Where: Her Place
Status: Locked/Incomplete.

Purrfect Duality )

Feb. 15th, 2012


Who: Tim Drake and Open to anyone in Gotham
Where: Gotham town square
When: Tuesday afternoon
Rating: R for violence

This is gonna get worse before it gets better )

Aug. 11th, 2011


Who: Zatanna and OPEN
What: Keeping an Eye Open
Where: Watchtower
When Thursday Evening
Rating: pg-13

Technology and Magic, more in common then you think. )

Jul. 27th, 2011


Who: Bruce and Barbara
What: Bruce has a request
When: Wednesday
Where: The Batcave
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

I have something that needs to be done, and can't trust others to do it. )

Jul. 20th, 2011


Who:Bruce and Dick
What: Reunite.
Where: the batcave.
when 7/20/2011
Rating: pg-13
Status: Incomplete.
long time... )