December 1st, 2011

[info]vandalsavage in [info]thedcverse

Who: Talia al Ghul and Vanal Savage
What: a talk of the boy proposal.
Where: Venice Italy.
Rating: TBD
Status: complete.
interesting talk. )

[info]animal_man in [info]thedcverse

Who: Buddy and Kory.
What: things going on.
Where: San Fransisco.
Rating: Pg-13
Status: Incomplete.
Somethings you just don't want to her )

[info]ringsoldier in [info]thedcverse

Who: Green Lantern and Batman
What: helping him with an investigation
Where: building rooftop.Gotham
Rating: PG-13
Status: Incomplete.
gotta help )