October 2nd, 2011

[info]fragginbastich in [info]thedcverse

French Maid

Where: Anita's Apartment
Warnings: It's Lobo, that should be a rating in itself
What: Aim Log. Anita gets home to a wrecked apartment

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[info]fragginbastich in [info]thedcverse

Why don't you soak that angel's wings in blood?

Who: Bart, Lil Lobo, Anita
Where: Keystone City in front of a bank near The Flash Museum
Warnings: Again, it's Lobo
When: After the open Lobo thread probably
Here you go, here's one covered in blood, babe )

[info]midnightsinger in [info]thedcverse

Who:  Dinah and OTA
What:  distracted sweep of Gotham
When:  Sunday night
Rating:  depends if it's a  baddie that shows or a goodie!