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The Dark House

Dark House

you WILL get lost

DARK HOUSE is a horror/survival RPG. Locked with strangers in a huge house, you must survive with whatever you can carry. Because not only is the house full of rooms & halls & secret passages, but it's also alive.

And You WILL Get Lost

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[After getting out] [06 May 2013|01:35am]
I'm starving. That was...awful, but I suppose not as bad as we've had before.

Everybody is alright, yes?

[Maria & Priestly]
Are you both here? I missed you both tremendously. We were...trapped in a basement for the past week.

[06 May 2013|10:17pm]
Tell me that's a mistake on the wall. Please tell me that's a mistake.


Not gonna let you see me cry, not yet
Going outside. Be back later.

[06 May 2013|10:21pm]
I can see all your shining little faces now.  How...underwhelming.

[06 May 2013|10:31pm]
Where the fuck am I? The hell is this damn place?

Someone better do some kind of talking or I'm going to

How do I get the damn phone out of my arm? And where the hell is the quickest way out because this is nowhere near my goddamned style?

[06 May 2013|11:06pm]
This is intended for the real Loki, but I don't really give a damn if you both receive it. Real Loki- check in, okay? I get that you're focused on killing the impostor, but the people that care about you need to know that you're alright.

I know you're probably unhappy with me for being so harsh about the whole Loki thing, and I apologize for that. I was frustrated on the real Loki's behalf, but that frustration should have been aimed at the fake or kept to myself, not thrown at you.

That said, have you heard from him? The real one or the fake?

Have you spoken to Rikki? Last I talked to her she was planning to go after the Loki doppleganger, and she wouldn't listen to me when I tried to convince her not to. I figured you might have more luck.

Jim & Bones [06 May 2013|11:14pm]
I have recently become friends with Caitlin, who I understand is also a good friend to both of you. I have offered to cook or bake her anything that she would like, and I wish to extend this offer to you as well.


[06 May 2013|11:41pm]
[You With My Face]
...if I find out you even looked at Peter wrong, we'll have to see which of us has better control of her powers, yeah? You stay clear, don't try to fool anyone into thinking you're still me...and we can go on for the time being, letting sleeping dogs lie.

But...if you touched my boyfriend, all bets are off, mate. Best hope you didn't.

She didn't do any damage, did she? Pretending to be me, I mean? Did you

[ooc: belated additions]

All right, mate? With the Loki clone situation...? Thought you might know better than me.

[Only filtered against not!Rikki & other clones]
Anyone happen to know where the version of me with awful hair got off to?

[ viewing | May 6th, 2013 ]
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