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The Dark House

Dark House

you WILL get lost

DARK HOUSE is a horror/survival RPG. Locked with strangers in a huge house, you must survive with whatever you can carry. Because not only is the house full of rooms & halls & secret passages, but it's also alive.

And You WILL Get Lost

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[11 Feb 2013|10:00am]
These Asgardians certainly know how to fight. I don't think I've ever had this good of a time in sparring matches.

[11 Feb 2013|05:45pm]
Who: Chloe and Oliver
What: Meeting for Drinks
Where: Erm, tavern type Asgardian thing?
When: Evening, Sunday
Rating: I'm just it'll be PG-13

Read more... )

[11 Feb 2013|05:48pm]
I am so not letting on how hungover I am Well, that was awkward.

[11 Feb 2013|06:30pm]
Starships were meant to fly, hands up & touch the sky!

Apparently I may be getting married in the morning. Will you dance at my wedding? *grin*

Filtered to the Avengers [11 Feb 2013|09:55pm]
So...it's been a day. Y'all plan on making some kind of announcement or should I just go ahead and do it? If I do it, I'm letting them know how long we've all known, if they ask and believe I'm not going down in flames alone when they inevitably flip their shit on us for keeping it quiet. But, I'm also not gonna lie to 'em because that's not what good leaders do (which is not to say I am volunteering to lead this lot, but I've been a leader and it's just kind of ingrained by now). Figured I should mention that bit, in the interest of full disclosure.

Your move, heroes, but if that thing isn't gone and we've got kids running around, I'm pretty sure the rest of the group deserves full disclosure, too. Wouldn't you all agree? God, get it together; you're supposed to be the good guys and you're sitting on some pretty fucking important shit right now...and so am I, so that you don't look bad for not sharing with the class. Kinda over it, guys

[11 Feb 2013|10:21pm]
Where am I? Is this heaven?

Filtered against clones, if possible [11 Feb 2013|10:52pm]
I have some pretty somber news that needs to be shared. It seems that the person we thought was 'Matt' has admitted that he was actually a clone duplicate who replaced the real Matt. He explained that the apparent 'memory loss' and change in Matt's personality were actually the result of the fact that memories and emotions couldn't be reproduced.

On top of this, 'Matt' confessed to having been behind the recent rash of attacks at the house and here. Shortly after making this confession, he stated that he was being 'extracted', and subsequent attempts to contact him resulted in error messages. He did, however, make veiled references to the fact that there might be more like him, but superior, and Chester has theorized that these improvements might be related to memories and emotions. Aspects that would help others like him blend in better than he did. Personally, while this is conjecture, I feel that it's a very valid worry.

While there's no guarantee that it will work, I've attempted to filter this post against clones. I'll be running a role call, and I would highly appreciate it if everyone who reads this checks in, even if they don't have anything to offer in terms of ideas as to how to handle this situation. It won't prove anything, but if someone was attacked and fails to post here, that would be fairly telling.

Additionally, is anyone aware of someone in the house who's supposed to be a clone, for lack of better phrasing? Don't want to cast suspicion on anyone unnecessarily.

Roll Call )

[11 Feb 2013|11:15pm]
What the hell is going on? Zafrina, this your doing?

[11 Feb 2013|11:25pm]
I've never seen a tracker like this before.

[11 Feb 2013|11:26pm]
Ummm....where am I?

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