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The Dark House

Dark House

you WILL get lost

DARK HOUSE is a horror/survival RPG. Locked with strangers in a huge house, you must survive with whatever you can carry. Because not only is the house full of rooms & halls & secret passages, but it's also alive.

And You WILL Get Lost

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Avengers [10 Feb 2013|12:22am]
I don't know what's going on but I refuse to let the Avengers break up because of some stupid fight. And if you don't consider yourselves a team listen up. Every one of you brings something to table to help keep the world a safe place. Maybe you were manipulated to join forces, I don't know and frankly? I don't care. Fury saw something in all of you. You all have the potential to make something greater than the sum of its parts with the Avengers but you're letting petty squabbling get in the way.

And what happens when a threat comes along that takes you out one by one because you chose to remain separate? It'll be too late then.

You're all behaving like children

ETA: Once we're back at the house I'm leaving the workshop and sticking on my own. I guess you lied about how great the Avengers were as a family and team Tony.

So....I know you don't know me or anything but I'm sorta a future Avenger and I'm trying to figure out why the current team is basically breaking up. I saw your name mentioned and I'm really not wanting to jump to any kind of conclusion or anything but, well I figured if your name was dropped then you knew something about what was happening?

[10 Feb 2013|01:24am]
Sooo what does a girl do for fun in Asgard? There's not exactly video games here so I guess I'm gonna have to be social.

[10 Feb 2013|08:47am]
Are there weapons in this city we're allowed to use? I'm an archer, back home, and I'm trained.

It's starting again. Look. It as good as said there would be more and
Damn it we have kids here now if we run ourselves ragged keeping watches and not sleeping like before we'll scare them or we won't be able to take care of them and I won't be like my mother. I can't be.

other time displaced/surprise teenagers [10 Feb 2013|09:15am]
So besides staring at the trippy rainbow bridge and going, "Whoa," while our parents also stare at us and go, "Whoa," has anyone found anything to do around here? Or at least where they keep the booze? Because I have a strong suspicion that, the people who built the trippy rainbow bridge? Probably not big on carding.

[10 Feb 2013|10:06am]
So basically no one knows how any of us got here, what's going on, or how we're suddenly in a sky-world. And a lot of kids from people's futures have shown up.

Anyone else feel like they're on a bad acid trip?

Filtered away from under 18s [10 Feb 2013|12:58pm]
Not for nothin, y'all, but I'm pretty sure everybody just needs to smoke a bowl and chill the fuck out. All problems instantly solved, trust. I mean, really, look where we are. There's a zillion mile bridge made of rainbow lights. Why is everybody flippin' their shit instead of enjoying the scenery and the fact that we're alive and not in that stupid fucking house? I do not get people, how am I one of you?

...in other news, anybody seen Zania lately...?

[10 Feb 2013|03:24pm]
Yeah, so...I'm just gonna say it. Daniel Tosh is the best thing that ever happened to Comedy Central. God, I'm glad Youtube is still working because I am bored as all get out today and I can't make myself get off my ass to find something to do.

Oh yeah, also? That's deep, bro. Smash, smash, SUH-MAAA-AASH. Deep, yup. Wonder how many of you correctly extract what I'm actually trying to say out of that ridiculous fucking song

[added a few minutes later]

Twenty bucks says if anyone figures out there's a reason I posted that particular pile of shit song, they assume it's me backing up Loki. You wanna take the bet?

[10 Feb 2013|03:30pm]
[fail!strike]Just for a minute can everybody stop lumping the blame on me[/fail!strike]

Asgardians make good alcohol. Think I could bottle this up and take it back somehow?

First part was never meant to go through, but whatever.

Sorry you got dragged into this.

[10 Feb 2013|07:31pm]
Uh... what are the dating rituals on this planet paradise plane of existance?  Because this very handsome man said my eyes were the color of the sky in the warmest summer.  And then said the color in my cheeks rivaled that of the most welcoming fire.

I'd go on, but the analogies got a little iffy after that.  Still, it's not like I can ask him if he wants to study or see a movie or eat.  I mean, can I ask him if he wants to eat?  Or is that going to go down some strange feeding each other grapes road and before I know it I'm married to some warrior who doesn't know how to operate a remote control.  Plus, I really want to correct his grammar sometimes, even though he's incredibly sweet.  Also, did I say handsome?  Jeff Winger handsome, but honest.

Do you see my dilemma?

Troy & Abed )

Natasha [10 Feb 2013|08:39pm]
Steven gathered some flowers he would like very much to give you before he goes to bed.

[10 Feb 2013|08:50pm]
It's totally cool how everyone is gushing about all the different cool aspects of this place. We all sound like a bunch of tourists at Disneyland.

Asgard: the new Disneyland. Next thing you know it's going to be a commercial destination.

[Displaced/Surprise Kids]

Have to say I'm impressed more of you didn't get smashed and then, as a consequence, get caught.

Good on you. Then again some of you are like five, but whatever.

Have we found anything entertaining other than drinking the magic god ale that gets tiny girls drunk off one cup?

[Mom and Dad]

So are you

[Mom & Dad]

So have you guys explored this place much at all?

Filtered to the Avengers [10 Feb 2013|09:13pm]
Dear Avengers,

I have a present for you. That is not my friend anymore...that is something else entirely. Assemble!


PS — you're welcome.

[ooc: pretend that's a running updated screenshot of the very same conversation, but I cba to actually take a series of screenshots.]

[added a short while later]

[Miles, Noah, & Mack]
If you see Matt (for reference, Mack, this guy), stay away from him and give me a heads up. Don't go anywhere by yourselves anymore; it's not safe. I wish I was overreacting...and you're gonna have to take my word on this one. I'd like to prevent causing a panic so...for now, keep it to yourselves and let the superheroes handle it, but I couldn't leave my family out of the loop.

[10 Feb 2013|09:17pm]
Who: Satori & Nic
What: Eating & talking
Where: Palace Guest Room
When: Evening, Sunday
Rating: TBD

Read more... )

[fail!filter from parents] [10 Feb 2013|10:37pm]
hahahaha i think

i think a guy just lifted me up with oNE FINGER

[10 Feb 2013|11:47pm]
Odd. Saw a man disappear into thin air. Thought he looked familiar but my eyes were a bit blurry.

I'm -
I should never hav-
I'm sorry, I'm just sca-
Beth is asking for you.

I saw that you di-
I'm glad you're no longer de-
Hell, I don't even know how to start that conversation. I tried to protect you & then I couldn't. I'm so sor-
I haven't seen her on the network, I don't think, but is Sarah here?

[ viewing | February 10th, 2013 ]
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