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The Dark House

Dark House

you WILL get lost

DARK HOUSE is a horror/survival RPG. Locked with strangers in a huge house, you must survive with whatever you can carry. Because not only is the house full of rooms & halls & secret passages, but it's also alive.

And You WILL Get Lost

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Bruce & Tony [29 Jan 2013|04:37am]
OMG You guys...should have seen Steve's face! HAHAHAHAHA

[After his thread] [29 Jan 2013|05:51am]
...how much worse can these attacks get

[29 Jan 2013|11:43am]

I think I might have met my first ghost this morning.

James )

Rikki )

Bruce & Tony )

[29 Jan 2013|11:50am]
あれえ! 私はどこですか. This isn't even remotely funny. And these cribs are super creepy... as is this thing on my arm.

[ooc translation: WTF! Where am I?]

[29 Jan 2013|12:06pm]
Okay, as far as kidnappings go, this is definitely a weird one. What's up with this creepy nursery and the creepier song? Where am I and what do you want?

[29 Jan 2013|12:25pm]
Oh God. What is happening? What is happening here?

I don't... Is this some elaborate practical joke? Troy? Abed? This isn't funny. How many times do I have to tell you, I'd like you to ask my permission before you film me or put me in movie type situations oustide of the Dreamatorium...


Am I in a SAW movie?!

Filtered from TPTB (if possible) [29 Jan 2013|12:33pm]
Guys, I'm extremely worried about those of us who have been knocked out and had little signs carved into us. These kinds of markings can be used in spells and rituals that can do all kinds of nasty things, including controlling the people that have been marked.

Emily was making a list, and I've gone back to look at it again. I think there's two different things going on, so I've narrowed it down to the ones that seem associated with... the markings. Here's a recap:

1/24 - Rikki is attacked. Someone cuts a less than sign onto her hand side, just above her hip.

1/27 - Lia is pushed down the stairs, heard a voice say, "It's going to get worse"

1/27 - I was attacked in the billiard room. Had a greater than sign cut into my skin, told "It's going to get worse"

1/28 - Sebastian was attacked in the kitchen. Had a greater than sign cut into his skin.

1/29 - Sebastian (we have two!) was attacked. Has a square with the left side missing, and a dot in the middle, cut into his skin. Someone said something about "almost time"

I also remember that Matt was attacked, but I don't recall if he had anything cut into his skin. The attack just seemed similar in nature (bashed over the head).

This is so not good...

[29 Jan 2013|12:37pm]
I fucking dare whoever walloped me from behind to try that again to my face. That kind of tactic just ain't honorable. Not that I won't return the favor if given half a chance. Cowardly bastard doesn't fucking deserve honorable.

[29 Jan 2013|12:51pm]
Lily, I met your ghost friend. Holy bananas, you weren't kidding! Ghosts are cold!

Are you okay? I haven't heard from you in a while...

[29 Jan 2013|01:37pm]
It appears as though whoever is in charge has decided I can view images on here now.


James has expressed an interest in learning how to fight. I'll be teaching him, and if anyone else would like to, please let me know.

[29 Jan 2013|02:40pm]
So glad I'm not in the house right now I should filter this against you Avenger assholes just out of spite Wow, okay, shitload of new people. A few things, since we're making lists:

  • Don't use the elevator. If you're going up, it gets wicked hot in there. If you're going down, it falls. Every time.
  • Don't fall asleep anywhere that isn't a bed; you'll end up in a straight jacket.
  • Find a partner and stay with them. Watch each other's backs.
  • Sometimes the house moves around, like literally moves. So...gathering supplies is not a bad idea; you can get lost for days looking for food when it decides to do that.
  • The powers or people or whatever that brought us here don't respond to us; save your frustration and channel it when it's needed. Things can get pretty janky in this place. This week? This week is nothing.

Thank you for bringing us out here. I feel so much better. I owe you. Big.

Are you okay? Are you with Priestly or someone, at least...? I'm not in the house or else I'd

So, are we, like, still friends even though you know about Loki or did you join Team Doucheb

[29 Jan 2013|03:11pm]
Как я сюда попал? Кто отвечает? Это еще одна тренировочная миссия?

[How did I get here? Who is in charge? Is this another training mission?]

[29 Jan 2013|03:35pm]
Okay, ghosts, that's real cool, stacking all my gamer shit where I can't reach it. You guys are assholes. Why don't you just hit me in the head instead of the heart, you fucks, that's my shit! Tall people...help a bro out?

In other news, this sounds familiar. Vaguely.

[a few hours later]

Also, this shit never gets old, only marginally and temporarily forgotten.

[Brosef, Kitty, & Kate]
Shit, man, our bottom bitches are the best. ;)

filtered from tptb [29 Jan 2013|06:38pm]
what kind of symbols have people had cut into them? we should make a list

i think by the way my hands go i was meant to see a > sort of thing but wider

and does anybody have painkillers


me - > on my palm
rikki (?) - < or > on her side

Bruce [29 Jan 2013|11:56pm]
Where are you? Something has happened to Katniss. Her sister says she's dead, but I think you'd better look at her. Peeta said they're [location]. I'm going there now.

Meet me on the way or meet me there, but come as fast as you can.

[ viewing | January 29th, 2013 ]
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