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the cellar door.

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[11 Mar 2018|01:23am]

Who: Fred Weasley and Harry Potter
Where: Out, about, the Quidditch pitch
When: March 10th, before Remus's party
What: A confrontation, of sorts

He felt like a ghost. )

[10 Mar 2018|07:49pm]

Who: Zacharias and Lisa
What: Attempting to explain the village again
Where: Town Hall
When: Saturday night

I'm either gone in an instant or here 'til the bitter end. I, I never know. What I've got will make you feel more alive )

[07 Mar 2018|07:43am]

Who: Alma, George, Teddy, & Scorpius
What: A sorting
Where: Town Hall
When: Wednesday afternoon

A sorting, of Sorts )

[06 Mar 2018|03:18pm]

Who: Gawain and Narcissa
What: Cissa really hates birds
Where: Near the ruins
When: Tuesday, early afternoon
Rating: Medium for bird death

I couldn't sleep last night. You were chasing the birds 'till the beast caught your eye )

[06 Mar 2018|03:59pm]

Who: Angelina Johnson and Ted Tonks
What: Making slingshots for a potential Easter Zombie invasion
Where: #12 - Sorry, roomies
When: Backdated I guess? March 4th, afternoon
Rating: Low, I'm more than sure

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[03 Mar 2018|09:04am]

Some Visitors Arrive )

Winter: 3rd Movement [26 Feb 2018|12:09pm]

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[25 Feb 2018|06:14pm]

Who: Angelina and Fred
What: Arrival! Fred! Woah!
When: Backdated to Friday, Feb 23rd
Where: Not too far from where she arrived!
Rating | Status: Low | Incomplete

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[20 Feb 2018|02:34am]

who: Scorpius & Astoria
what: Coming out of my closet and I've been doing just fine
where: House #10
when: Storm #1 (don't judge me for being late I wrote a whole thesis)
rating/status: Low/Incomplete

see, mother i believe, that half of everything i hear is true, between you and me, i believe the anecdotes too )

[19 Feb 2018|08:50am]

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[17 Feb 2018|08:26pm]

Left for Bellatrix in the House's mailbox )

[16 Feb 2018|12:41pm]

Who: Regulus & Valkyrie
When: Backdated: Sunday. All day. Hello. (I'm a failure ♥)
Where: Valkyries cave (ba-dum tss)
What: Passing the time
Rating: I'm going to go ahead and assume high

Bella's Dream Team meet for reals. )

[12 Feb 2018|07:13pm]

who: Fred & Ginny (and George later most likely)
when: Monday early AM
where: Town hall
what: Reuniting
rating: so, so sad.

Without warning, it all came rushing back. The storm, the argument -- Fred. )

[11 Feb 2018|09:14am]

Who: Ronnie and Dennis
What: Being trapped and clearing the air
Where: #5
When: Saturday, late morning

And if you wanna shut down and pose as positive and hide smoking from relatives and rest on me, Honey that's alright. And if you wanna act more drunk than usual to help you get away with more then rest on me, Honey that's alright )

[10 Feb 2018|11:20pm]

Who: Andromeda and Ted
What: They talk. At last. Maybe.
Where: Hut #7, their room
When: Sunday morning
Rating: Medium-ish? Will update if needed

and when the broken hearted people / living in the world agree / there will be an answer /let it be )

The first storm. [10 Feb 2018|07:31pm]

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[08 Feb 2018|08:13pm]

Who: Harry and Snape
What: Running into each other
Where: Apothecary
When: Thursday evening
Rating: Medium for harsh thoughts?

Bloody brilliant )

[07 Feb 2018|02:44pm]

Who: Harry and James Potter
What: Getting to know each other lol
Where: #1 and then walking?
When: Afternoon

Ah, so he was just going to plow right through it... Good move, Potter. )

[07 Feb 2018|09:16am]

Who: Astoria and Narcissa
What: A simple, introductory tea
Where: #3 Cottage
When: Midafternoon

Well I guess sometimes I wish you were a little more predictable that I could read you just like a book. For now I can only guess what's coming next )

[04 Feb 2018|04:05am]

who: Lily & James
what: Cuteness and then seriousness. Siriusness?
where: House #1, Potter bedroom
when: Saturday evening
rating/status: Low/Incomplete

wasn't it love as soon as we knew each other properly? living 'bout half right, until a certain person got to me, nothing is secret, everything's sacred, how it ought to be )

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