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the cellar door.

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[28 May 2018|01:33pm]

[Left in the post boxes of Rodolphus, Regulus, and Andromeda]
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Can't you hear it? [15 May 2018|08:05pm]

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[14 May 2018|08:06pm]

who: Tracey & Regulus
when: Monday (is it Monday?) afternoon
where: Cafe (abhorrently named Star-Buck)
what: A moment of normality

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Special Delivery [05 May 2018|03:39pm]

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Something's Coming [29 Apr 2018|11:41am]

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Aufhocker your face. [28 Apr 2018|05:09pm]

who: The Revengers
(guest appearances and honorable mentions of the prisoners, naturally)
when: Saturday, mid-morning
where: The new woods, all over, really.
what: A handful of unlikely agents take revenge

summary: Following George & Bella's entries, Bellatrix, George, Fred, Sirius, James, Tonks, and Valkyrie descend upon the forest. In a combined effort to take down the trees (and protect the village), they find the house. In a combination of the bells ringing from the enhanced clock tower (constantly ringing thanks to Sirius's patronus to Teddy & Scorpius), and a very focused cutting down of trees, the house around the prisoners melts into a disgusting rain of goo. They're covered in disgusting slime, but otherwise free. Prisoners would have been taken to the clinic to be checked out (largely by Scorpius).

Please feel free to post reactions and follow ups to this in comments!

detailed log of events )

I'm Still Here [19 Apr 2018|03:57am]

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[16 Apr 2018|08:47pm]

who: George & Trish
where: house #5
when: [backdated] Sunday evening, after this
what: Being honest is a rough game
status: Incomplete

I over-communicate and feel too much; I just complicate it when I say too much. )

Not While I'm Around (plot post) [12 Apr 2018|03:58am]

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The Ladies Who Lunch [08 Apr 2018|12:46am]

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[25 Mar 2018|12:59am]

who: Lily & James
what: Aftermath
where: House #1
when: Late Saturday morning
rating/status: Medium? Probable language and talk of infidelity/Incomplete

babe, full disclosure i'm siding with you, when you said that i left you for dead it was true )

[23 Mar 2018|12:48am]

Who: Rodolphus Lestrange and Severus Snape
What: Fluff and talk about Death Eater life
Where: House #3, Rodolphus’ bedroom
When: Thursday, March 22
Rating: Possibly high, will update

oh what a night )

[19 Mar 2018|09:07pm]

Who: Sirius Black and Angelina Johnson
What: Totally innocent things. 100%
Where: #12
When: IDK today I guess. March 19th
Rating: I don't like to presume

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[18 Mar 2018|09:07pm]

Who: Dorcas and Teddy
Where: Cottage #12
When: Sunday, afternoon
What: Teddy goes home

Can't you see there's so much here to feel? Deep inside in your heart you know I'm real. Can't you see that this is really higher, higher, higher, higher? )

[18 Mar 2018|09:03am]

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[18 Mar 2018|12:51am]

Who: Bellatrix and Lily
What: Avoiding each other is working very well!
Where: The Location Formerly Known As The Duck Enclosure
When: Friday late morning
Rating: Some risque references to wanking thus far and otherwise pretty tame for something with Bella in it

I'm here trying not to bite your neck but it's beautiful and I'm gonna get so drunk on you and kill your friends and you'll need me and we can be obsessed )

[16 Mar 2018|07:02am]

Who: Dominique and Lisa
What: Being on the same page
Where: #9 - Lisa’s room
When: Friday morning
Rating: TBD

Cause our love's the only thing that could matter, take me up and up like a ladder )

[14 Mar 2018|01:16pm]

Who: Lisa and Tonks
What: Lisa needs advice
Where: #9
When: Wednesday, late morning

I'm someone you maybe might love. I'll be your quiet afternoon crush, be your violent overnight rush, make you crazy over my touch )

[13 Mar 2018|10:40pm]

Left for Dorcas in her room. )

[11 Mar 2018|11:12am]

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