August 5th, 2010

[info]networkings in [info]thebreach

Owls to the Potters & the Longbottoms

Owl to James & Lily Potter )

Owl to Frank & Alice Longbottom )

[info]infaustus in [info]thebreach

RPG Log: Severus Snape & Bertha Jorkins

Who: Bertha Jorkins & Severus Snape
When: 5 August, Day of Ambrosius
Where: Diagon Alley, mostly.
What: Well, there’s an owl mask involved.
Rating: Low.

He was dark and not unhandsome, although he could use some of Gilderoy’s touch with clothes and ... well everything. )

[info]somewhatshabby in [info]thebreach

RP Log: Marlene & Remus

Who: Marlene McKinnon & Remus Lupin
When: Morning-ish on 5 August, 1980
Where: Diagon Alley
What: Marlene has concerns about Sophia, Remus tries to help, and that involves telling her something he generally doesn’t share.
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

Even from where they were sitting, Remus could see the smaller figure of Sophia Bloom tugging away at Mr and Mrs McKinnon’s hands... )