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The Spellbook

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PREPARING FOR MAGICK [07 Feb 2008|07:40pm]

[ mood | complacent ]


* Gather everything you will need for your magick and bless and consecrate any items you will be using. Place these near your working area.

* Also make sure that you have a copy of your ritual outline ready also, unless you have memorized it or chose to create it spontaneously.

* Prepare your circle, i.e. make the boundaries, cleanse the area and generally make it neat and tidy. Don't cast the circle yet.

* Take a bath or shower. Lather yourself up and visualize yourself being cleansed as the water washes over your body.

* Unless you choose to perform your magick 'sky clad', get dressed in something loose and comfortable. Special clothing may be kept specifically for this purpose.

* Head back to your circle, cast it, and begin.

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SPELLCRAFT ETHICS [07 Feb 2008|07:39pm]

[ mood | complacent ]


1) As a general rule, don't cast spells on people without their knowledge. I realize that sometimes this may be necessary but generally you would get their permission first.

2) Never cast a spell intending to cause harm to another person. This
includes binding spells. These are used to bind another from hurting you, or others, but are not designed to cause direct harm.

3) Love spells are largely frowned upon. Forcing another to love you is considered very wrong.

4) Manipulation in general is considered morally wrong (this also covers #3). If you don't understand this completely, imagine how you would feel if suddenly someone was controlling your life...

5) Steer clear of greed when casting spells. Be especially careful when casting spells for money, that others aren't disadvantaged.

6) Always take spell work seriously, don't dabble just for the fun of it.

7) Make sure you are very specific when casting a spell. Know exactly what you are doing and what you want to achieve and there's less chance of things going wrong.

8) Always bear The Wiccan Rede in mind.

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Why Spells work sometimes and sometimes not... [07 Feb 2008|07:29pm]

[ mood | complacent ]

Why Spells work sometimes and sometimes not...

Oh yes... I get so many letters asking why didn't this spell work for me? Or is this stuff real? (I hate that one the worst!) Or how long is it going to take for it to work? Here I will try to answer those questions to clear the air so that maybe you will read this and I won't have to answer more e-mails by the hundreds.

Why do spells work and sometimes they don't work? There are many things that contribute to a spell or ritual work properly and not one thing alone. All of the following combined together is what will make a Spell, Hex or Curse work and work well.

1. The Moon phase
2. The proper materials and supplies
3. The mental condition of the Practitioner
4. The will of the Universe
5. The experience of the practitioner
6. The Magical Energy built up by the Practitioner
7. Your belief in the magic you are working
8. The proper Spell

1. The Moon phase...
The proper Moon phase is one of the keys to success in
Spell casting. There are many Spells that I do on the night of the Full Moon for maximum effect and potency just as farmers may plant their seedlings during the Full Moon. The Moon effects everything and can effect our moods and actions. Ever notice that people seem to be more wound up and crazy during the Full Moon? I see it all the time. There are four phases of the Moon... New Moon, Waxing Moon, Full Moon and the Waning Moon.

More.... )

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WHY WRITE YOUR OWN SPELL? [07 Feb 2008|07:27pm]

[ mood | complacent ]


Why always use others’ spells when you have a mind of your own? Everyone is capable of writing his or her own spell. Of course it is great to look at others’ spells to get ideas but don’t always use theirs.

When you have the need to use a spell it is up to you to decide exactly what it is that you want to achieve. This is very important to consider before casting a spell and only you know what it is that you want. When you use another’s spell you have no idea of their intentions when they wrote it.

Also, before casting a spell, it is important that you understand what the components of a spell are. Other people may feel quite comfortable calling on particular Deities, whilst you have no idea what they are or what they are capable of. This is a quick way of getting hurt.

When you write a spell you decide exactly what will be in the spell. You look up the meanings of particular Gemstones, Candles, Herbs, Oils, etc, and decide which ones will be appropriate. A spell will be so much better, and less dangerous, if you know what you are doing and why.

A spell is a very personal piece of work. Let your creativity and talent shine through.

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Essential oils. .. [07 Feb 2008|12:43am]

[ mood | bored ]


An essential oil is any concentrated, hydrophobic liquid containing volatile aroma compounds from plants, which are called aromatic herbs or aromatic plants. They are also known as volatile or ethereal oils, or simply as the "oil of" the plant material from which they were extracted, such as oil of clove. The term essential indicates that the oil carries distinctive scent (essence) of the plant, not that it is an especially important or fundamental substance. Essential oils do not as a group need to have any specific chemical properties in common, beyond conveying characteristic fragrances. They are not to be confused with essential fatty acids.

Essential oils are generally extracted by distillation. Other processes include expression, or solvent extraction. They are used in perfumes and cosmetics, for flavoring food and drink, and for scenting incense and household cleaning products.

Various essential oils have been used medicinally at different periods in history. Medical applications proposed by those who sell medicinal oils range from skin treatments to remedies for cancer, and are often based on historical use of these oils for these purposes. Such claims are now subject to regulation in most countries, and have grown correspondingly more vague, to stay within these regulations.

Interest in essential oils has revived in recent decades, with the popularity of aromatherapy, a branch of alternative medicine which claims that the specific aromas carried by essential oils have curative effects. Oils are volatilized or diluted in a carrier oil and used in massage, or burned as incense, for example.

On to the essential oils... )

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Coming Out of the Broom Closet [06 Feb 2008|09:16pm]

[ mood | crazy ]

Coming Out of the Broom Closet
by Christopher Penczak

(Originally appearing in Genre Magazine.)

He Doesn't Wear A Pointy Black Hat or Fly on a Broomstick at Full Moon, but Christopher Penczak is a Fully Initiated Witch. Not the kooky, Hollywood Cartoon Kind of Witch, but a Practitioner of the Spiritual Discipline of Wicca.

When I was a young boy, my parents took to me St. Joseph's Catholic Church every week for mass. I watched intently, somewhat dazzled by what was happening up on the altar. Candles, incense, chalices, bread and wine involved in an intricate ceremony that I could only watch. Special words were chanted or sung over the Eucharist, the thin, bread-like wafers. The priest said the bread was the body of our lord and savior, Jesus, given to us. It still looked like wafers to me, but I could feel magic in the air. Something special was happening.

More...  )

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Awaken Inspiration [02 Feb 2008|03:10pm]

[ mood | blank ]
[ music | Alanis Morisette ]

Awaken Inspiration
February 2nd, 2008


Color of the day: Black
Incense of the day: Sage

This is the time of year when life begins to stir. Although winter may still appear to hold the land, spring approaches. This is a wonderful time to celebrate the awakening of a creative endeavor or creativity in general. If you’re an artist, writer, musician, etc., use this ritual to invite inspiration. If you don’t have an interest in a particular creative art, simply ask to be inspired in any way that will enrich your life. On your altar or a table, arrange as many white candles as you can find into a circle. In the center of the circle, place a clean glass dish or bowl of crushed ice. (If you like, use clean snow instead, or just use drinking water.) As you light the candles, imagine the fires of inspiration flowing into the bowl of water. Visualize the water collecting this creative power.

Nut to tree, seed to flower,
Nurture my creative power,
Growing as it fills this dish,
Inspiration is my wish.

Allow the candles to burn as long as you can, then snuff them out. Imagine that the bowl contains water from the mythical spring Hippocrene, the waters of creative inspiration. Drink the water.

By: Ember

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MOON LORE [01 Feb 2008|08:35pm]

[ mood | calm ]


The lunar phase is important in determining the best time for magick. There are basically two lunar phases: waxing moon (ideal time for positive magick) and waning moon (ideal time for banishing/negative magick, study, and meditation). In between you'll have the dark moon (the time of greatest power for banishing and negative magick) and the full moon (the time of greatest power for positive magick).

Most witches and pagans work around these lunar phases.

Time: From New Moon to Full Moon (Approx 14 days)
Crescent - The moon rises at mid-morning and sets after sunset.
First Quarter - Sunset is the prime time for waxing moon magick.
Gibbous - It's a wonderful time for working around 10:00 to 11:00 p.m.
Goddess Aspect: Maiden.
Associated Goddesses: Artemis, Branwen, Eriu, Nymph, and Epona.
Magickal Attributes: INVOKING Beginnings, New projects, Ideas, Inspirations, Energy, Vitality, Freedom.
General workings on this day are for: "Constructive" magick, (love, wealth, success, courage, friendship, luck or health.)
Crescent Moon: animals, business, change, emotions, and matriarchal strength.
Gibbous Moon: courage, elemental magick, friends, luck, and motivation.

Time: Approx 14 days after New Moon (Energy lasts from 3 days before Full Moon to 3 days after actual Full Moon) Midnight is the best hour to work the magick.
Goddess Aspect: Mother.
Associated Goddesses: Danu, Cerridwen, Gaia, Aphrodite, and Isis.
Magickal Attributes: FRUITION Manifesting goals, Nurturing, Passion, Healing, Strength, Power.
Workings on this day are for: Protection, Divination, "Extra Power", Job-hunting, healing serious conditions. Also love, knowledge, legal undertakings, money and dreams, artistic endeavors, beauty, health, and fitness, change and decisions, children, competition, dreams, families, health and healing, knowledge, legal undertakings, love and romance, money, motivation, psychism, self-improvement.

More.... )

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Create a ring of protection [01 Feb 2008|03:55pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]

Create a ring of protection

Place the ring in the West of the room you wish to cast the spell in. Place around it shells and symbols of water. Take the silver ring and in a shell filled with water mix some salt in. Say over this

"Creature of water, I beseech of thee. Protection from harm is what I wish for me. In to you this ring I place, bind the protection well and to evil give chase."

Leave the ring in overnight in the light of the full moon and in the morning wash the salt water off, clear everything away and wear it! To remove the spell, place it in earth in the north and say

"With thanks for protection given I now wish this spell riven!" and leave it there overnight in a window during a new moon.

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Garlic vs. Evil [01 Feb 2008|03:29pm]

[ mood | drained ]

Garlic vs. Evil
The Power of Garlic

Garlic (Allium Sativum) has been used as a charm against evil and dates back to Ancient times. The ancient Egyptians believed in a Vampire-like ghost that killed sleeping children by sucking up their breath. The protection that was used against the attacks of this murderous monster was a wreath of garlic.

The use of garlic is known all over the world, not only as a tasty accent to foods, but also as a charm against evil spirits. Even in places such as China or Malaysia, people smear the forehead of their children to protect them from Vampires, and in the West Indies too, garlic is used as a means of protection against the evil practices and Magical Spells of Witches and Sorcerers.

In Romania, garlic is also a weapon of importance in the everlasting battle against Vampires. Romanians used to make certain that they ate garlic every day for their protection. They also smeared garlic on the windows and the doors of their houses, on the gates to their farmyards, and even on the horns of their cattle. They believed that these Vampires had a great fear of garlic. If a deceased person was thought to be in danger of becoming a Vampire, one common protective measure was stuffing some pieces of garlic into the orifices of the corpse, especially the mouth. This was done in order to prevent evil spirits from entering the dead body. At the same times it served the purpose of
Preventing the soul of the deceased from re-entering its body. Another

Anti-Vampire practice that we can find in Romania is the anointing of the corpse, especially the heels, with a mixture of oil, fat, incense, gunpowder and garlic.

In some cultures people would simply wear a necklace of garlic cloves for protection against evil. Any way you look at it.... garlic is believed to be a major source of protection from evil.

Garlic has some extremely great health benefits. It will lower your cholesterol and unclog your arteries. It will shrink cancerous tumors and keep cancer out of your body. It will also boost your immune system greatly. Now don't wait till you get sick or have cancer to start taking it... start now! And see you life improve.

Here are the benefits that are shown from studies:

Garlic lowers blood pressure a little.
Garlic lowers LDL Cholesterol a little.
Garlic helps reduce atherosclerotic buildup (plaque) within the arterial system. One recent study shows this effect to be greater in women than men.
Garlic lowers or helps to regulate blood sugar.
Garlic helps to prevent blood clots from forming, thus reducing the possibility of strokes and thromboses (It may not be good for hemophiliacs).
Garlic helps to prevent cancer, especially of the digestive system, prevents certain tumors from growing larger and reduces the size of certain tumors.
Garlic helps to remove heavy metals such as lead and mercury from the body.
Raw Garlic is a potent natural antibiotic and, while far less strong than modern antibiotics, can still kill some strains of bacteria that have become immune or resistant to modern antibiotics.
Garlic has anti-fungal and anti-viral properties.
Garlic dramatically reduces yeast infections due to Candida species.
Garlic has anti-oxidant properties and is a source of selenium.
Garlic probably has many other benefits as well.

I hope that you will all use this information to help you live a happier, healthier life!.

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HEALING LOVE CHARM [01 Feb 2008|03:28pm]

[ mood | content ]


The cutting of grasses to make hay is one of the most important and ancient of agricultural activities. According to tradition, today (11 June) is one of the days for the beginning of haymaking season.

Most of us have forgotten how potent grasses can be when used in spell casting. Use them to attract protection, prosperity, and good fortune.

The following spell, if begun now, can be completed on the Summer Solstice.

On a sheet of yellow paper, write these words:

"I was,
I am,
And I will be."

Visualize a specific goal as you write. Using a ceremonial knife, harvest three blades of grass. These could be lawn grass or white clover. Sprinkle this on the paper and fold. Keep your grass and paper until Midsummer's Eve, and then burn them in a ritual fire to release the spell.

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[ mood | content ]


Prepare an envelope from a square of paper that you have folded - If you do not know how to do this, you can use a very small letter envelope. On the envelope write the word "Health". Then write the name(s) of the person you are directing the healing toward.

Enclose the following herbs into the envelope:
Angelica, Burdock, Galangal, Horehound, Elder, Lavender, Lemon Balm, Mandrake, Root, Rose, Rue, Sassafras, and Yellow dock.

Chant the following:
I charge these herbs to aid my spell,
that _______ (name of person) will be well,
that by free will that can be blessed,
with total health and happiness,
I ask the Goddess to hear my call,
that it may be correct and for the good of all.

Pass the envelope through your altar candle and catch the envelope on fire. Focus on the smoke and visualize the energy blowing with the smoke toward those in need. Allow the envelope to burn completely

I call upon a breath of wind,
Empowered by the Spirit of Air,
to carry my spell toward my kin,
and gracefully deliver it there.
By all the power of three times three,
this spell bound around shall be,
To cause no harm, nor return on me,
As I do will, So mote it be!

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Wiccan Rede [31 Jan 2008|07:45pm]

[ mood | creative ]

Wiccan Rede

Bide the Wiccan Laws we must
In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.
Live and let live,
Fairly take and fairly give.
Cast the Circle thrice about,
To keep the unwanted spirits out.
To bind the spell every time,
Let the spell be spake in rhyme.
Soft of eye and light of touch,
Speak little, listen much.
Deosil go by the waxing moon,
Chanting out the Witches' Rune.
Widdershins go by the waning moon,
Chanting out the baneful tune.
When the Lady's moon is new,
Kiss the hand to her, times two.
When the moon rides at her peak,
Then your heart's desire seek.
Heed the North wind's mighty gale,
Lock the door and trim the sail.
When the wind comes from the South,
Love will kiss thee on the mouth.
When the wind blows from the West,
Departed souls may have no rest.
When the wind blows from the East,
Expect the new and set the feast.
Nine woods in the cauldron go,
Burn them fast and burn them slow.
Elder be the Lady's tree,
Burn it not or cursed you'll be.
When the Wheel begins to turn,
Let the Beltane fires burn.
When the Wheel has turned to Yule,
Light a log the Horned One rules.
Heed ye Flower, Bush and Tree,
By the Lady, blessed be.
Where the rippling waters go,
Cast a stone and truth you'll know.
When ye have a true need,
Hearken not to others' greed.
With a fool no season spend,
Nor be counted as his friend.
Merry meet and merry part,
Bright the cheeks and warm the heart.
Mind the Threefold Law you should,
Three times bad and three times good.
When misfortune is enow,
Wear the star upon thy brow.
True in Love ever be,
Lest thy love be false to thee.
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill:
An ye harm none, do what ye will.

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Salt Water Purification [30 Jan 2008|12:53am]

[ mood | content ]

Salt Water Purification

Fill the cup or if you have one, your ritual chalice, with water. Using your athame, stir in three mounds of salt and stir counter clockwise. While doing so, say:

"Salt and water,
Inner and outer,
Soul and body,
Be cleansed!
Cast out all that is harmful!
Take in all that is good and healing!
By the power of the Mother of all life,
And her lover the Horned God,
So must it be!"

Hold the chalice close to your heart and feed power into the water. When you can feel it glow, it is ready. If you are working with a group, pass
it around and have everybody feed energy into the chalice.

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The Weed Curse [30 Jan 2008|12:45am]

[ mood | content ]

The Weed Curse

This spell should be cast on a friday night at least after 7:00. The spell will curse a girl or boy that has stolen your significant other, or has cheated on you and than it curses both of them.

Get 3 weeds that have been stealing one of your plants food, water, soil, etc. and place it in your Cauldron filled with water. Place a picture of the person in which you're going to curse. (and only you can curse them or it comes back at the person most significant to you.) then chant the following 3 times

"You have been so evil stealing my guy/girl,
so unto you this curse I hurl,
don't ever go near my very best friend,
?or another time this curse il send"

Now pick the picture up out of the water and after a wile burn it, and by the next moon cycle and the little slut will be begging for mercy.

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BLESSING NEW HOME CHANT [30 Jan 2008|12:43am]

[ mood | content ]


Touch the lintel and touch the wall,
Nothing but blessings here befall!
Bless the candle that stands by itself,
Bless the book on the mantle shelf,
Bless the pillow for the tired head,
Bless the hearth and the light shed.
Friends, who tarry here, let them know
a three-fold blessing before they go.
Sleep for weariness - peace for sorrow
Faith in yesterday and tomorrow.
Friends, who go from here, let them bear
The blessing of hope, wherever they fare.
Lintel and windows, sill and wall,
Nothing but good, this place befalls.

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PROTECTION FROM EVIL [30 Jan 2008|12:41am]

[ mood | cheerful ]


Make four little blue drawstring bags, each the same size.

Mix in a bowl dry angelica, Solomon's seal and balm of Gilead buds. As you do this visualize your house protected from evil.

Divide the mix into four equal amounts and fill each bag with it.

Hang them or hide them in the four corners of your house.

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ROOM CANDLE CLEANSE [30 Jan 2008|12:39am]

[ mood | content ]


You need:
White candle and holder Salt

Place the candle in the middle of the room. Sprinkle the salt in a circle Deosil around the candle.

Light and say:
Creature of wax Creature of fire
Listen to me Hear my desire
Cleanse this room by the power of three
And blast away all negativity
With harm to none so shall it be

Leave to burn for at least 1 hour.

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WITCH'S BOTTLE [30 Jan 2008|12:33am]

[ mood | content ]


Gather rosemary, needles and pins. Fill a small jar with these three ingredients,
Saying the following as you work:

Pins, needles, rosemary, wine
In this witch's bottle of mine
Guard against harm and enmity
This is my will, So mote it be!

Visualize these herbs doing just that.

When the jar is full, pour in red wine.

Then cap or cork the jar and drip wax from a black or red candle around the seal.
Bury the jar at the farthest corner of your property or place it in an inconspicuous
spot in the house. The Witch's bottle destroys negativity and evil.

The pins and needles impale evil, the wine drowns it, and the rosemary send it far from your property.

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[ mood | chipper ]

These are especially good measures to take when moving into a new place, beginning ritual activities in a new space, or to release bad feelings when an inhabitant has been sick or has died.

To cleanse a single room - on top of a newspaper, set a blue candle. Surround with a circle of salt. Burn a little sage in the room. Light the candle, making sure it won't tip over. Close the door and let the candle burn down. When finished, take newspaper, salt, and candle leaving and bury far from your home. To cleanse a house - select four corners. set four candles:
North - black,
East - white,
South - purple or dark red,
West - blue.

Sprinkle a little salt at each doorway and window. Burn sage in each room, paying special attention to windows and doors. Strew fragrant herbs (rosemary, basil, lavender, others you like or consult a reference) and sweep them up with the salt. Cast the swept herbs out your front door. You may want to sweep them off your porch so they aren’t on your property anymore.

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