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The Spellbook

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PERFECT SOUL MATE [21 Feb 2008|10:08pm]

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Take a shower or bath, put on some white clothing, take a stick (or your wand) and some glitter outside where you can see the stars (the best time is a new moon).

Clear your mind. Pick up the stick, dip one end into the glitter then raise the stick towards your chosen star and say:

"With these magic words I begin my spell. Hear me now, O mystic star, Hear me well - Let your magic light Send me the love of my life. The spell has been cast - So be it."

Your glitter is now magically energized, and you should sprinkle some near your front door. You can even take some glitter out with you and sprinkle it here and there.

Your perfect mate should be brought to you.

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To Strengthen Your Psychic Shield [21 Feb 2008|10:06pm]

[ mood | chipper ]

To Strengthen Your Psychic Shield

The night before the Full Moon, find a place where your altar will not be disturbed for 24 hours. Put the cauldron in the center with a red candle on the right side, black candle of the left side, and white candle in the back; but do not light them yet. Sprinkle a mixture of equal parts of elder blossoms, marjoram, mint and rue in an unbroken circle around the cauldron.

Into a tiny vial, measure equal drops of clove, frankincense, jasmine, and lavender. Set the sealed bottle in the cauldron and leave until the night of the Full Moon. On Full Moon night, take a cleansing bathe and robe yourself in white.

Carry a good protective or purification incense through every room in the house. Make certain that the smoke drifts into closets. Return to the altar and light the candles. Take up the dagger or sword. Face the East and raise the sword in salute. To salute in this manner, simply hold the sword point upward in front of you. Say:

By the power of the rising sun, all evil in my life is done.
Turn to the South, salute, say:
By the power of darkening night, my shield is strong, my armor tight.
Turn to the North, salute, say:
By Full Moon in blackening sky, I am not alone. My help is nigh.
The Goddess's hands around me stay, To keep me safe by night and day.
Begone, foul spirits, unbidden here. I send you back, I do not fear.
For I have won. I am set free. You have no further power o'er me.

Face the altar and take up the vial of oil. Put a drop of oil on your finger and anoint your forehead, heart, solarplexes, wrists and ankles. As you do this, visualize a shining blue suit of armor slowly descending over your body until you are entirely protected. Cap the bottle and store in a safe place. Thank the Powers for their help and extinguish the candles. Apply the oil and repeat the chants whenever you feel the armor is slipping
-D.J. Conway

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TO ATTRACT TRUE LOVE [21 Feb 2008|10:05pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]


You will need:
-Pink candle
-Jasmine incense

Light the jasmine incense. As you do so imagine the kind of person that you want to spend the rest of your life with. Note: this should not be a specific person but the things that you want in a person. Say the qualities that you want in true love out loud as you light your pink candle. Then say this as you sprinkle rosemary over the flame:

These are the things I want in you
A man/woman who's loving, loyal and true
I ask of the spirits of all those above
To send me my one and only true love.

Say this as many times as needed and then extinguish the candle.

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SOWING THE SEED OF LOVE: [13 Feb 2008|01:55am]

[ mood | creative ]


To attract a special lover:

No one could teach the world more about love than the Italians. To follow a custom my Italian Grandmother taught my mother (and in the same tradition as Isabella's pot of basil in Keats’s poem) this spell demonstrates how pouring your love into a little basil plant will ensure a strong love with someone.

* A small pot
* Some earth
* Some basil seeds

On a waxing moon in late spring or summer, take a few basil seeds and sow them carefully in one or two small pots or containers. as you sow them, sing a sweet song or think loving thoughts, and feel love entering your life.

Water the seeds lovingly until they germinate, saying as you do:


When the seedlings appear, take great care of them, especially if the weather is cold (in which case you will need a very sunny draught-free window) You mustn't let them die and never use these special plants for cooking, for they are sacred to love.

You will meet a special love within a few months - perhaps the love of your life. Have fun.

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APACHE WEDDING PRAYER [13 Feb 2008|01:53am]

[ mood | impressed ]


Now you will feel no rain,
for each of you will be shelter to the other.
Now you will feel no cold,
for each of you will be warmth to the other.
Now there is no loneliness for you;
now there is no more loneliness.
Now you are two bodies,
but there is only one life before you.
Go now to your dwelling place,
to enter into your days together.
And may your days be good
and long on the earth.

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LOVE SPELL [13 Feb 2008|01:50am]

[ mood | creative ]


This love spells hits the one you want like a whirlwind.

This love spells must only be done between the hours of twelve midnight and one in the morning. It must only be started during the time of the full moon. Find a private place under a large tree. Choose a patch of ground that is dirt.

You will need a white candle, red candle and a yellow candle for your love spells. The candles must be 12 inches in length.

You will need another small white candle as the lighter. Also some matches.

You will need something that is of the person you're interested in. The best is a strand of hair, but a photo will do.

I find love spells work better if done in a natural state but this is your decision. Write the full name of the person on a piece of white paper two inches square. On the night of the full moon at midnight go the spot you have chosen.

Dig a small hole with your hands and place the item of the person in the hole with the paper. Spit some of your saliva on the item then cover it with dirt to give love spells more power.

Place the white candle in the ground above this position. Using your small finger on the left hand draw seven lines, each one inch apart, to the right of the candle. Using the small finger of your right hand, draw seven lines, one inch apart to the left of the candle. Holding the small white candle in your left hand light the small white candle.

Now light the main white candle in the ground with the small candle. Holding the yellow candle in your right hand light the candle from the main white candle.

Place the yellow candle to the left on line seven. Holding the red candle in your left hand light the candle from the main white candle and place on the right side in line seven. You must at all times focus only the person of your affection and no one else or the love spells will fail.

Say the following words three times exactly:

Crastern ater trew iop li thig frets loob trenis ___(name of person backwards)___(peter would be retep). Move the yellow candle to line six. Move the red candle to line six.

Using your small finger put out the flame on the yellow candle. Using your small finger put out the flame on the red candle. Using your small finger put out the flame on the white candle.

The candles must remain in the exact position without being touched until you return the next night at midnight in these love spells. You are then to repeat the exact same routine moving the candles to line five. Continue every night until you reach the final night. On the final night all candles will come together in the love spells. You should tie the candles together very tightly with a multi color ribbon, which should only contain bright colors, no black, brown or gray. Bury the candles in the ground with the other object of you affection.

That night before you go to sleep say the magic words to your love spells one last time.

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TO GAIN LOVE [13 Feb 2008|01:43am]

[ mood | cheerful ]


Best time: Waxing Moon

The cauldron should be on your altar between 2 pink candles. Inside the cauldron itself, place a magenta candle. Light love incense and the Pink candles. Tap the cauldron three times with your wand. Say:

One to seek him, one to find him.
One to bring him, one to bind him.
Heart to heart, Forever one
So say I, this spell is done.

Tap the cauldron three more times. Light the magenta candle to speed the spell on its way.

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TO BRING TRUTH TO ANY MATTER [13 Feb 2008|01:42am]

[ mood | cheerful ]


"Deep within me
A path will grow
To see a light
And help it glow
I cast this now
To bring true light
To the matter at hand
Help gain the right."

You need a candle of appropriate color, and a quartz crystal. Scratch the Matter into the candle with the terminated quartz, and set the quartz down Next to the candle. Let the candle and crystal do their work

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Third Eye Rite [13 Feb 2008|01:39am]

[ mood | energetic ]

Third Eye Rite

Perform this neo-Pagan ritual to improve psychic powers three days before the moon is full, and preferably when it is in either the astrological sign of Cancer, Pisces or Scorpio.

Begin by brewing a strong magical tea made from yarrow or mugwort (herbs that stimulate the psychic senses) and then light thirteen purple colored votive candles to help attract psychic influences.

Drink the tea and then gaze fixedly into a magic mirror, crystal ball, or crystal pyramid as you chant thrice the following incantation:

I invoke thee, O Asariel
Archangel of Neptune
And ruler of clairvoyant powers.
I ask thee now to open my third eye
And show me the hidden light
Let me see the future.
Let me see the past.
Let me perceive the divine
Kingdoms of the unknown.
Let me understand the wisdom
Of the mighty universe.
So mote it be!

After chanting, relax, breathe slowly and concentrate on opening your Third Eye. Do not permit any negative thought to contaminate your mind.

The Third Eye, an invisible chakra located in the middle of the forehead above the space between the eyebrows, is the human body’s highest source of power, supernormal sight and clairvoyant vision.

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ATTRACTION SPELL [13 Feb 2008|01:38am]

[ mood | crazy ]


Light an orange candle, then take a small seashell and pass it three times through the flame. As you do this, say:

"By the power of three,
So make it be."

Each time you go through the flame. Take a handful of cinnamon and using a spoon and bowl; mix it with dried and crushed red rose petals. Sprinkle the shell with some of the mixture and imagine yourself attracting many different people. Take the rest of the mixture and toss it into the wind to carry your request to the God and Goddess. Then carry the shell with you in a pocket or purse at all times.

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ATTRACTION CHARM [13 Feb 2008|01:38am]

[ mood | crazy ]


By the light of a full moon, take a silver ring and wrap it in a clean white cloth. Dig a small hole and bury the ring inside. While focusing on the kind of lover you are looking for and pouring a small amount of wine (or milk) over the earth recite these words:


Leave the ring buried until the next full moon, then dig it up and wear it. If your lover is near, he/she will be drawn to you.

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To make a love stronger: [09 Feb 2008|04:39pm]

[ mood | complacent ]

To make a love stronger:

On a Friday take 2 red candles, Consecrate both candles with Ylang-Ylang. Etch 1 candle with a heart, the name of the person. Place the candles apart from each other. Anoint and light both candles. Recite your invocation several times as the flames become established. Every once in awhile move the candles closer together. Let the candles burn all the way down. This may take 7-8 hours. Eventually you would have moved them close together so they will melt down together and become one.

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Return Of A Lover Spell [09 Feb 2008|04:36pm]

[ mood | contemplative ]

Return Of A Lover Spell

This will get someone to notice you.

Items needed: A straight pin with a red head, musk oil, and a red candle. Dress the candle with musk oil while you think about what you want.

Light the candle and warm the straight pin in the flame. Stick the needle into the candle about 2/3's down. And chant;

Needle, Needle in the fire,
Pierce (name) with desire.
Make sure he/she is free
until (name) turns back to notice at me.

Let the candle burn out.
If there is wax left at the end then save it until they look your way.

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LOVE POTIONS [09 Feb 2008|04:32pm]

[ mood | contemplative ]


The following are various forms of aphrodisiacs, herbs and foods that have natural romantic effects. Some increase sexual forces, attraction, and potency/fertility. Make sure you check this herbal danger list if you are pregnant or may be.

Africa Evergreen Tree: A tree native to Cameroon has a powerful aphrodisiac in its bark.

Cinnamon: Sticks can be chewed like tobacco, or grated cinnamon can be put in eggs as an aphrodisiac that arouses women.

Cloves: Edible or aromatic aphrodisiac.

Cockroach: Many cultures say this is an edible aphrodisiac, grind one common cockroach and mix with cinnamon, add to coffee for a powerful love potion. Yuck.

Damiana: A plant from Mexico, which is used to stimulate sex drives. The leaves and heads of the plant are mixed with minor amounts of plantain or pennywort and mixed with food three to four times a day.

Deer Antler: Chinese herbal remedy for male impotence.

Eggplant: A common edible aphrodisiac.

Eggs: Chicken eggs are said to be a good aphrodisiac if eaten raw before sex.

More love potions... )

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HEALING LOVE CHARM [09 Feb 2008|04:30pm]

[ mood | complacent ]


The cutting of grasses to make hay is one of the most important and ancient of agricultural activities. According to tradition, today (11 June) is one of the days for the beginning of haymaking season.

Most of us have forgotten how potent grasses can be when used in spell casting. Use them to attract protection, prosperity, and good fortune.

The following spell, if begun now, can be completed on the Summer Solstice.

On a sheet of yellow paper, write these words:

"I was,
I am,
And I will be."

Visualize a specific goal as you write. Using a ceremonial knife, harvest three blades of grass. These could be lawn grass or white clover. Sprinkle this on the paper and fold. Keep your grass and paper until Midsummer's Eve, and then burn them in a ritual fire to release the spell.

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CASTING SIMPLE SPELLS [09 Feb 2008|12:08am]

[ mood | chipper ]


Many young people have written to me asking me to send them spells or help them cast a spell. This section is to give some basic help. The first thing you need to know is that you don't just get a spell from someone else that is powerful. Whether a spell is powerful or not depends on the person casting it, and once you understand the basics of casting spells, you can make your own Anytime you want.

Basically, the universe and everything in it, including you and me, are all energy. Whenever you think or feel something very strongly, you generate extra energy. If you think or feel about someone else, you program the energy to go to that person (the same for things or ideas, which are also kinds of energy, like getting to take a trip or getting some money). To cast your basic spell you need ...

......  )

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Superstitions, beliefs, omens and folklore [07 Feb 2008|11:57pm]

[ mood | complacent ]

Superstitions, beliefs, omens and folklore

"Things happen in threes" THEY REALLY DO!

Handed down through the ages of time are many different superstitions. It may be about a certain Charm or Amulet that you wear to protect, ward off, or attract certain things. Or it may be about every day things like a black cat crossing your path, or walking under a ladder. All these things I will try to show you, as I know them. Some of them may sound stupid, and some may sound more realistic. You make the ultimate decision on what to believe and what not to. You make your own truth!

More...  )

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Wiccan, Witchcraft & Pagan Definitions [07 Feb 2008|11:54pm]

[ mood | chipper ]

Wiccan, Witchcraft & Pagan Definitions

Aboriginal: Pagan tradition of the native Australian people.

Adept: An individual who, through serious study and accomplishments is considered highly proficient in a particular magickal system.

Akasha Spirit: The fifth element, the omnipresent spiritual power that permeates the universe.

Alchemy: A branch of High Magick developed in the middle Ages, which sought to magically and/or chemically turn base metals into gold.

Altar: A special, flat surface set aside exclusively for magickal workings or religious acknowledgment.

Amulet: A magically charged object, which deflects specific, usually negative energies. A protective object.

Ankh: An Egyptian hieroglyphic widely used as a symbol of life, love, and reincarnation. It is a cross with a looped top.

Arcana: The two halves of a tarot deck. The Major Arcana consists of 22 trumps; the Minor Arcana consists of 56 suit cards (sometimes called the lesser or lower Arcana).

Aspect: The particular principle or part of the Creative Life Force being worked with or acknowledged at any one time.

Asperger: A bundle of fresh herbs or a perforated object used to sprinkle water during or preceding ritual, for purification purposes.

More definitions...  )

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Celtic knowledge [07 Feb 2008|11:50pm]

[ mood | complacent ]

Celtic knowledge

Celtic magic

Celtic Sacred Trees and Woods

To the Celts and many other peoples of the old world, certain trees hold special significance as a fuel for heat, cooking, building materials and weaponry. In addition to this however, many woods also provided a powerful spiritual presence. The specific trees varied between different cultures and geographic locations, but those believed to be "sacred" shared certain traits. Unusual size, beauty, the wide range of materials they provided, unique physical characteristics, or simply the power of the tree's spirit could grant it a central place in the folklore and mythology of a culture. Even our modern culture finds that certain trees capture our imagination. The mighty oak, the mystical yew and so many others are reminders of the power that trees have on our lives. Trees are living things, filled with the essence and energy and the Elementals and Mother Earth with an aura of power, which is visible to those who are in total balance and harmony. The lore, which surrounds a particular tree, reflects the power the old ones sensed and drew from their presence.

More...  )

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