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The Spellbook

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HOUSE PROTECTION JAR [30 Jan 2008|12:27am]

[ mood | calm ]


You will need:

1 glass jar
1/2 to 1 cup salt
3 cloves garlic
9 bay leaves
7 tsp. dried Basil
4 tsp. dill seeds
1tsp sage 1tsp anise
1tsp black pepper
1tsp fennel 1 bowl

In the morning ideally on a bright sunny day assemble the items.
Place in the bowl and say:
"Salt that protects, protect my home and all within."

Add the cloves of garlic: "Garlic that protects, protect my home and all within."

Crumble the Bay leaves and place in the bowl: "Bay that protects, protect my home and all within."

Add the basil and say: "Basil that protects, protect my home and all within."
Add the dill and say: "Dill that protects, protect my home and all within."
Add the sage and say: "Sage that protects, protect my home and all within."
Add the anise and say: "Anise that protects, protect my home and all within."
Add the fennel and say: "Fennel that protects, protect my home and all within."

Mix together the salt and the herbs with your hands, throughout the movement of your hands and fingers lend energy to the potent protective items, visualize your home safe and as a shining secure place. Pour the mixture in the jar and cap tightly, Place it in your home with these words: "Salt and herbs, nine times nine
Guard now this home of mine"

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A HOME BLESSING [30 Jan 2008|12:23am]

[ mood | content ]


You need:

Snap lock bag

Glue the Pentagram to the compass, "Spirit" point north. Place everything into bag, and bury in the center of building or middle of door. With the Pentagram pointing north, Cast a circle and Chant the spell:

Goddess and God bless this house,
Keep it free from bug or mouse.
For good or bad, dark or light,
Those unwelcome will feel thy might.
Protect me as I do thy will,
Here you are master for good or ill
Goddess and God hear my prayer
So Mote it be.

Concentrate on the Spell until you feel the power flowing,
Then break the circle and finish.

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[ mood | content ]


Before you continue with any other spells, you must ensure that you are in a negative free zone, and this does not only include the circle, but all other parts of your residence. You must be cleansed spiritually and then rid all negative energies. To start, a simple thing to do is as follows:

Charge a pewter dragon's claw which holds a crystal or glass ball with your personal energies after meditating. Place it above an entrance door into your house or apartment.By doing this, it will ensure that no more negative energies can enter your house whether cast, sent or roaming. While burning the incense that best assists your concentration and energy channeling Then visualize a triple circle of purplish light around your body while chanting:

I am protected by your might,
O gracious goddess, day and night.

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THE BROOM PURIFICATION [30 Jan 2008|12:21am]

[ mood | bouncy ]


Before dawn, take a branch from any tree. Thank the tree for its gift and leave a coin or semi-precious stone at its base in payment.

Next, obtain several brightly colored flowers on long stalks. Tie these flowers to the branch to fashion a sort of broom, then sweep the floor in every room of the house, visualizing the flowers of the broom absorbing negativity and "evil" as you work. Then, still before sunrise, leave the broom at the crossroads.

Traditionally this ritual is repeated at the first of each month.

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Days of the week part 3. [28 Jan 2008|02:18am]

[ mood | crazy ]


GEMSTONES: Citrine, Amber, and Carnelian
HERBS/PLANTS: Marigold, Butt cup, Cloves, Sunflowers, Birch Tree
COLOURS: Orange, Yellow, and Gold
MAGICK ASSOCIATIONS: Success, Ambition, Strength, Protection, Hope, Joy, Confidence, Trust, Power, and Individuality

GEMSTONES: Moonstone, Pearl, and Quartz
HERBS/PLANTS: Willow Tree, Myrtle, White Rose, and Vervain
COLOURS: Silver, White, Grey, Cream, And Pearl
MAGICK ASSOCIATIONS: Friendship, Children, Imagination, Emotions,
Spirituality, Fertility, Dreams, Healing, Protection, Visions, Travel, Prosperity, Intuition, Psychic Ability

<More... )

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Herbal Health Spell. [27 Jan 2008|07:28pm]

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Herbal Health Spell.

Fold these in a velvet cloth...
Leaves of tea
Flowers of lavender
Clove and camphor

Tie it up with a scarlet thread. Keep it beside your bed at night. Breathe it when you wake up every day. Soon you shall be healed and stay that way.


Modify these if you want always taking care to know all about the properties and toxicity of the herbs being used. I urge you to find out all you can. We will state again that these recipes are used at your own risk.

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FOREST HERBS [27 Jan 2008|05:21pm]

[ mood | bitchy ]

The following is a list of some of my favorite herbs. I have studied Herbalism extensively and their healing properties are wonderful.

Is probably my favorite herb and one I use the most. It is one of the most powerful herbs against infection. And is found readily in most drug stores and supermarkets. If taken at the onset of cold symptoms it will actually keep you from getting it or lessen the severity. It is immune boosting, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, and promotes proper digestion. For warding off colds and flu, take in capsule form, 5 - 6 daily, or mix 30 drops of tincture in juice.

The feminine herb, alleviates menstrual cramps, regulates Hormones, and eases P.M.S. symptoms. Comes in the form of capsules, tablets, dried herb, drops and extract.

Used to treat migraine headaches. 50 to 100 milligrams daily of the dried leaves reduces the severity of migraines. Also comes in capsule form.

a powerful anti-oxidant in capsule form or as a tea. Studies have proven a strong correlation between green tea and reducing risks of cancer. Also attacks bad breath.

More forest herbs...  )

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To protect yourself... [26 Jan 2008|09:04pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]

To protect yourself...

(A quick chant)

"Elements of the Sun,
Elements of the Day,
Come this way,
Powers of night and day,
I summon thee,
I call upon thee,
To protect me,
So shall it be."

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The Year [26 Jan 2008|08:32pm]

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The Year

Some information on the months of the year, are taken from Llewellyn's 2005 Spell-A-Day Almanac (all here in one place for easy reference).

January is the first month of the Gregorian calendar, and a time of beginnings. Its astrological sign is Capricorn, the goat (Dec 20 - Jan 19), a cardinal earth sign ruled by Saturn. The name of the month itself comes from the two-faced Roman Janus, who rules over gates and doorways. This wintry month is marked by icicles, hoarfrost, and snowdrifts, and by the warmth of the home hearth. Traditionally, handicrafts such as wool spinning were partitioned in January, and the spinning wheel has become a symbol of the season. According to Pagan traditions, even in this frozen time there are signs of new life. The days, for instance, are now slowly growing longer, and a few early flowers, such as the paper-white narcissus and white hellebore, begin blooming. The Full Moon of January is called the Storm Moon. The main holiday of the month is, of course, New Year's Day, a day that calls for safeguards, augurs, and charms. All over the world, people are eager to see what the New Year will bring; they kiss strangers, shoot guns in the air, toll bells, and exchange gifts. In Scotland, people watch the threshold to see what the 'first footer,' or first visitor, augurs for the year. People who make visits on New Year's Day therefore should be sure to bring gifts of herring, bread, and wood for the fire along with them.

More....  )

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The ABC's of Pagan Parenting [26 Jan 2008|08:19pm]

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The ABC's of Pagan Parenting
By Kirin Lee
From Llewellyn's 1998 Magical Almanac

Pagan parents have a unique task-that of teaching pagan values to their children in a world hostile to alternative religions. The following pagan child-raising ideas and values will be helpful when considering your children's pagan learning experiences, no matter what tradition you practice.

A is for Actions. Your own actions and deeds speak loudest of all. If you want them to learn your chosen path, teach them about it with actions, not just words.

B is for Beauty. Show your children the beauty in nature and the other life on this planet. Teach them to preserve that beauty for the future.

C is for Consistency. Hold to the same principles and practices. Keep your actions consistent with your words.

D is for Doing. Teach your children the old ways by doing pagan projects and crafts with them. Projects such as recycling show them that doing what they can to help the Earth is essential.

E is for Enthusiasm. Let your children see your enthusiasm for the old ways, and they will develop it, too. Take them on nature walks, and other places where they can learn to understand the Goddess and Her creations first hand.

More on the ABC's... )

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Are You WITCH Material?? [26 Jan 2008|08:00pm]

[ mood | dorky ]

Are You WITCH Material??

Magic and the true use of witchcraft can change your life. With witchcraft you can reach deep inside yourself to find confidence, courage , tranquillity , faith , compassion , love and power.This test will determine your present abilities as a witch, though remember that your power can always be developed with knowledge and understanding. Choose your answers with intuition and care, as only 10 out of 15 questions have any significance. The remaining 5 have no relevance or bearing on your ability.

1. Do you have an ancestor or relative who has been referred to as a witch?
2. Do you allow your intuition (or sixth sense) to guide you in and out of situations?
3. Have others ever referred to you as a witch?
4. Do you have an interest in television programmes and literature with an occult theme?
5. Were you born under any of these signs: Pisces, Aquarius, Scorpio?
6. Have you ever influenced the outcome of a specific incident with witchcraft?
7. Is there anything you would fear as a consequence of applied witchcraft practices?
8. Do people generally seek out your help for their problems?
9. Do you use the power of your dreams and visions as a reference for the future.
10. Have you ever experienced anything of a mystical nature while using drugs?
11. Do people and animals seek out your company without you making any effort?
12. Have you ever experienced what you would consider to be ESP?
13. Do you wear any kind of charm that has occult significance?
14. Have you always believed in the natural power of witchcraft?
15.Has anybody ever suggested that you use your intuitive powers to aid others?

If you answered YES to between five and seven of the questions (acknowledging that five questions are not valid) there is hope for you as a competent witch. If you scored between seven and nine questions correct, you are a naturally gifted witch. If all 15 questions were answered correctly, you have an abulance of power that should be used throughout your everyday life.

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A World Without Witches? [26 Jan 2008|05:51pm]

[ mood | excited ]

A World Without Witches?
Can You Imagine?
by Robert F. Potts

Can you imagine a world without witches,
A world with all people the same?
Where the only known dragons are hiding in books,
And children are terribly tame?
A world without magic would be sad indeed.
I cannot imagine the pain
Of having a world where there's no Santa Claus,
Where wizards are searched for in vain.

Can you imagine a world without spells,
That science and businesses run?
And think of the sadness a unicorn feels
When he no longer plays in the sun
Can you imagine a world without witches,
No elves, and no magical pools?
And can you imagine how dull it would be
If all that we had were the schools?

I cannot imagine a world without witches,
A world with no magical wand.
A world without beauty, or even a dream,
Or a wood sprite of whom to be fond
They say I should grow up and be more mature,
Like a normal adult ought to do.
But I'd rather, at night, go to dance with a witch,
And I'll bet that you feel that way, too.

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Days of the Week. [26 Jan 2008|05:09pm]

[ mood | bouncy ]

Days of the Week.

Monday: The Moon; best for emotionally based spellwork, such us attracting confidence and intuition, protection spells, clairvoyance etc..

Tuesday; Mars; great for spells to inspire passion and energy such as a spell to boost confidence. Mars is a warrior, so if you need a spiritual battle, this is the day for it. Tuesday is also a good day for protection spells.

Wednesday; Mercury; Great for communication (worldly or otherwise). Good for spells involving the granting of information. Like Willow in Buffy when she says "Reveal!"

Thursday: Jupiter; probably the best day for spell work as Jupiter is so benevolent and loves to give. All prosperity spells or luck and success spells should be done on this day (be sure to keep it with the waxing moon).

Friday: Venus. . .ahhh, sweet love. This is a day for love spells and also a good day to offer your love to the gods/goddesses of choice. As the Cure say, "Friday, I'm in Love!"

Saturday: Saturn. A restrictive energy. Good for banishing spells and ridding old energies. Binding spells are also potent on this day. Also good for focusing and developing patience (something a lot of witches don't have). Typically, I do not do spells on Saturdays unless it is to get rid of unwanted energies or desires.

Sunday: The Sun; Truth in all matters. The sun is great for truth spells and generating warmth in your heart. If you feel that you are frigid inside and holding tons of resentment, use the Sun energy on Sundays to shine through a cloudy heart.

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Witchcraft - Days of the Week [26 Jan 2008|05:07pm]

[ mood | creative ]

Witchcraft - Days of the Week

Bits and Pieces taken from: 7 Days of Magic. Spells, Charms and Correspondences for the Bewitching week. - by Ellen Dugan.

Planet: The Sun;
Deities: Helios, Brigid.
Flowers and plants: Carnations, Sunflowers, St. John's Wort, Marigold.
Metal: Gold.
Colours: Gold, Yellow, Neon shades of orange and yellow, yellow-orange, hot pink.
Crystals and Stones: Carnelian, Diamond, Amber, Tiger's eye, Quartz Crystal.
Tarot Card Associations: The Sun, Ace of Wands, The Chariot.
Foods, herbs and spices: Orange, Cinnamon.

The first day of the week. It received it's name from the Latin words "Dies Solis" (Sun's Day). The charms and spells that would comliment this magical day of the sun are ones for personal achievement of any kind. Health issues, increasing personal power, or simply sticking to your diet and being proud of what you had accomplished. All of these goals fall under the day of the sun.

What do you think of when you feel the sun shine down on you? What sorts of enchantments do you think would be comlimentary to a day named after our closest star? Sunday brings those bright, solar energies into your life and has the magical correspondences of success, leadership, pride, light, warmth and personal growth.

Truth in all matters. The sun is great for truth spells and generating warmth in your heart. If you feel that you are frigid inside and holding tons of resentment, use the Sun energy on Sundays to shine through a cloudy heart.

More days of the week... )

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TIMES FOR MAGICK [26 Jan 2008|05:00pm]

[ mood | calm ]


DAWN: Dawn is a great time for spells for new beginnings, Purification, Warmth and Hope.

SUNRISE: New Beginnings, Purification, Success, and Healing.

MORNING: Intelligence, Blessings

NOON: Strength, Money, Energy, Protection, and Positive changes to your life.

SUNSET: Banishing Negativities such as Pain, Fear and Stress. Welcoming in positive changes to your life.

DUSK: Funeral Rites, Letting Go

NIGHT: Fertility, Moon Magick, Wishes, Beauty, Love, and Spirituality

SUMMER: Marriage, Love, Friendship, Courage, Fire Magick, Strength, and Energy.

AUTUMN: Money, Success, Prosperity, and Water Magick.

WINTER: Meditation, Banishing, and Earth Magick.

SPRING: Healing, Fertility, Prosperity, Air Magick.

LIGHTNING STORMS - Lightning storms provide extra, powerful energy for any ritual.

SNOW STORMS - Gentle Magick, Releasing Negativity, Purification.

HEAVY WINDS - Ideal for Study, Travel and Wish spells.

HEAVY RAINS - Releasing any unwanted influences, Purification, Cleansing.

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Witchcraft and Wicca [26 Jan 2008|04:51pm]

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Witchcraft and Wicca


What kind of words comes to your mind when someone mentions the word "Witch?" Evil? Devil worshiper? Healer? Wise? The Christian Church teaches that Witches are evil and worship the devil and that their powers come from the devil himself. I do not believe them. I believe that the "devil" has no power to give in the first place. The way that Christians describe the "devil" makes him sound almost as powerful as God, with power to create and destroy. If he has no power over us, how can he give power to anyone else?

I have met Witches. I am one. Witches are not evil. We are strongly against evil and have nothing to do with it. We do not believe in Satan, let alone worship him. The power that we possess comes from the Goddess and God and everything good. Having been raised a Christian; I cannot simply walk away from my beliefs of Christ. However, I am changing my point of view about God/dess, about what he/She is, what he/She does, what he/She means to me. And I think that is most important of all. Ok, time for me to stop my jabbering and give some facts.

Wicca is a religion that employs magic and ritual to worship the Goddess and God. As I understand it, The Goddess and God are two deities that form "The One," which is universal. I believe that it is through this understanding of "The One" that all religions are linked and united. The Goddess is envisioned through the Moon, the sea, Mother Earth, and other things; where as The God is seen through the Sun, the forest, the mountains, and other sacred objects. Wiccans do not worship these things; they merely see the deities through them. That is a broad overview of the Goddess and God.

(Magic spelled with a "c" is rabbits-out-of-a-hat stuff; magick with a "k" is different) is the use of either personal (power coming from one's self), Earth (coming from the items used in the ritual), or divine power (power from the Goddess and God) to produce a needed effect. There is nothing "supernatural" about magick. In fact, it is a very natural process. Magick is looked upon as supernatural because it was hidden from the public's eye for fear of ridicule and rejection. Wiccans would never practice evil or wrongdoing with magick because they believe in the "Three-Fold Law," and the Wiccan Rede. The Three-fold Law says that whatever you do, good or bad, will come back to you three fold.

Just as any other religion, Wicca uses special tools, celebrates holidays, and worships the way they see fit. There may be a few differences; such as Wiccans believe in reincarnation and do not need to worship with many people or even in a building. In fact, we prefer to worship outside. I hope that someday people will not judge each other by their religion, or any other way. For we all have the same purpose: to reach Deity (or God).

An introduction to Wicca )

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12th C. Herbal Invocation [26 Jan 2008|04:49pm]

[ mood | ecstatic ]

12th C. Herbal Invocation


"Earth, divine Goddess, Mother Nature who generates all things and brings forth anew the sun which you have given to the nations; Guardian of sky and sea and of all gods and powers.... through your power all nature falls silent and then sinks in sleep. And again you bring back the light and chase away night and yet again you cover us most securely with your shades. You do contain chaos infinite, yea and winds and showers and storms; you send them out when you will and cause the seas to roar; you chase away the sun and rouse the storm. Again when you will you send forth the joyous day and give the nourishment of life with your eternal surety; and when the soul departs to you we return. You are indeed duly called Great Mother of the Gods; you conquer by your divine name. You are the source of strength of nations and of gods, without you nothing can be brought to perfection or be born; you are Great Queen of the Gods. Goddess! I adore thee as divine; I call upon your name; be pleased the grant that which I ask of you, so shall I give thanks to thee, Goddess, with due faith. Hear, I beseech you, and be favorable to my prayer. Whatsoever herb your power does produce, give, I pray, with goodwill to all nations to save them and grant me this, my medicine. Come to me with your powers, and howsoever I may use them, may they have good success to whosoever I may give them. Whatever you grant, may it prosper. To you all things return. Those who rightly receive these herbs from me, please make them whole. Goddess, I beseech you, I pray as a suppliant that by your majesty you grant this to me. Now I make intercession to you all your powers and herbs and to your majesty, you whom Earth parent of all has produced and given as a medicine of health to all nations and has put majesty upon you, I pray you, the greatest help to the human race. This I pray and beseech from you, be present here with your virtues, for She who created you has Herself promised that I may gather you into the goodwill of him on whom the art of medicine was bestowed, and grant for health's sake good medicine by grace of your powers. I pray grant me through your virtues that whatsoever is wrought by me through you may in all it's powers have good and speedy effect and good success and that I may always be permitted with the favor of your majesty to gather you into my hands and to glean your fruits. So shall I give thanks to you in the name of the majesty which ordained your birth.'

(Modernized version of a 12th century herbalist spell. Original. A translation from 'Early English Magic and Medicine', by Dr. Charles Singer. Proceedings of the British Academy, Vol. IV)

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[26 Jan 2008|02:04am]

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Why Wicca is Not Celtic Paganism
Version 2.5, ©1999 by Epona Perry.


More sources underneath.

There are many out there who believe that Wicca and its related forms of NeoPagism are a type of Celtic Paganism (and vice versa), but this is simply not true. The following article is meant to be a comparison of Wicca and Celtic Paganism in order to demonstrate this, and to educate the public about Celtic Paganism. While Wicca certainly contains elements of Celtic mythology, folk magic and religious belief, its basic tenets and beliefs are radically different from those of Celtic Pagans. I intend only to show that these two religions are indeed different and distinct; this article is not meant as an attack against Wicca or those who are Wiccan. There is a list of the sources I used at the end of this article, and it is my hope that whether you agree or disagree with what I have to say, you will at least go check it out for yourself by reading some of the sources listed. I hope that this article will encourage the active pursuit
of knowledge and spiritual development though knowledge.

More... )

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THE TRADITIONAL WITCH [25 Jan 2008|11:59pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]


These guidelines are from my own Book of Shadows. They incorporate ideas from Wicca as well as other traditions, but I do not think of them in terms of those traditions. For me, they are a mirror to which I can hold my actions, the reflection of which will tell me if I am being true to my path. They are not written in stone, and they sometimes change when I discover something new about life on Earth. It's a beginning.


It is not sufficient to say you are a "witch" or to practice magick. You must also live as a witch.

Do not look for excuses for why you cannot follow the path. Accept responsibility for your failures as well as your successes.

More...  )

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[25 Jan 2008|11:47pm]

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Fruit, Nut and Vegetable Correspondences )

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