Monday, March 12th, 2012


Yay. <3 Cal, bringing you both Gilderoy Lockhart and Dolores Umbridge.Both of which you can read about here! Gilderoy. Dolores!

I suspect most Purebloods would hate Gilderoy, and others would just dislike him. Wheres' Umbridge is bound to be on better terms with a select few others. Forgot to add--he's also whimsical, prone to talking about Divination as if it's a God send, and rambling about stars and their meaning. Expect lots of BS from him!

Want any plotting, threading or stuff in general with my characters? Just drop me a note! :D

Thanks Mods. <3
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Sunday, March 4th, 2012

Hi guys! Spoon here with her last character (for now >.>). Please say hi to Adelaide "Adel" Selwyn. She's a Ravenclaw, although she loathes being one. She wishes she was in Slytherin as she believes she has the exact qualities and views to be in the noble house. She plays Quidditch (a beater) and tends to keep to herself. She had a nasty fetish for torture (Jess we gotta plot about her and Bella becoming friends/close), but only those closest to her know that. She's appealingly sweet on the outside but has quite a bite if she doesn't care for you or thinks you lower than herself.

Much plot is welcome!! I look forward to the interactions with her! ^_^
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Hallo all! Sasha here with my third lovely, Rabastan Lestrange!

Rabastan is a 7th year Slytherin, loves art (especially painting) and is cripplingly shy. He can barely speak to people without eating his own tongue. But he's a sweet kid once you get to know him! He hasn't joined to DE's yet, but he's thinking about it, mostly to impress big brother.

I'm looking forward to plotting with y'all!
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Friday, February 17th, 2012

Hello dears~

Hello there. My name is Jess~ And I am happy to be your lovely and ever so kind Bella~ I only hope to do her justice and get rid of all the mudbloods and filthy blood traitors. Oh. You know who you are.

Despite Bella's less than friendly attitude towards some of you, I am quite nice, I'd like to think. I promise I won't bite or curse you. I'm around quite a lot right now. So I'm fairly easy to get a hold of if you need me. Always feel free to drop me a message or anything. If I don't get to it right away, I will as soon as I am able. I'd love to hear what plots would love to run with Bella. And Bella would simply love to play with a few of you~Find out about my Bells here

I've mostly rped anime and such in the past. A little Bleach a little Final Fantasy and everything in between. Right now I'm rping in that terrifying fandom of Hetalia just trying to get by and keep my sanity. And of course the cosplaying~

I hope to have fun with all you lovely peeps soon~ Bella wants to play, and so do I!

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Wednesday, February 8th, 2012

Hello, everyone!

I'm Anna, and as was previously stated I'm bringing in Rodolphus Lestrange. Like Trin, I am old and while I think I'm probably older I'm secretly hoping I'm not. Feel free to check out my CDJ [info]rp_with_me if you want but I'm not sure there's anything interesting there and I'm kind of behind on updating it :3 A fun fact about me: I'm steadily on my way to becoming a crazy cat lady so if you have any pictures of any pet kitties please feel free to share them with me. You can find me on AIM at coupsurcoup ( for e-mail). If I'm not at work I'm online and if I'm online I want to talk to you and I definitely want to RP something.

As for Rodolphus, you can read his profile here. He's graduated from Slytherin last year so while he's no longer in school he still knows who everyone is. During his first couple of years at school he was a mean bully, always in trouble, but soon realized that was a big no no if he wanted to get anywhere inconspicuously and cleaned up his act. He was a Beater for the Slytherin Quidditch team his fourth through half of his sixth year when he was forced to leave the team for letting his competitive nature get the best of him. Unlike many other Pureblood bigots, which he is (and very loudly), Rodolphus has always enjoyed engaging all sorts of different people despite their blood status. I'm sure it's no surprise to anyone to learn that he is a Death Eater and immensely proud of it. It kills him that he can't brag about it but thankfully understands that he needs to keep such things to himself.

I look forward to RPing with all of you as soon as possible!
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Tuesday, February 7th, 2012

Hi everyone! It looks like the game is open and ready to go so I thought I'd throw my introduction out there as well! =D I'm Spoon, the other half to Mich and happy to see everyone here! I'm really excited for this group and I'm happy you all applied!! I wanted to introduce my two girls for you guys so I can come up with some awesome interactions and relationships!

Lily Evans: A 6th year Gryffindor, she's as fiery as you remember her from the books (well, from what you got from her in the books). She's a very sociable and popular girl at Hogwarts and will befriend anyone from any house...yes, even Slytherin! Well, unless they openly mock her or her friends or speak about their stupid blood purity. Be ready to get an earful about her own opinions and if it ends in a duel, so be it. She and Severus are not on speaking terms, but she still thinks about him a lot. She just started hanging out with the Marauders and is probably closest with Remus (I hope that's ok Gracie!), laughs at Sirius, thinks James is a prat, and pities Peter. Any other kinds of interactions I'm very open to! Friends/frenemies/enemies, I love plotting out backgrounds!

Narcissa Black: Elegant, sophisticated, and fierce, Cissy is a Slytherin and Black all the way. She doesn't resort to mindless dueling or physical work, but will gladly spread a nasty rumor here and there or get you back with a nice potion. She knows she's better than anyone else and acts accordingly. There are a few pureblood lines she's respectful towards and a few she would befriend; whatever is respectful and honourable to her family. She's rather head over heels for Lucius, but doesn't believe he knows or acknowledges her. Friends/enemies, I'm looking for all for this girlie!

Feel free to give me an ping over on AIM if you guys ever see me on! I'm always open to plots! =D AIM: madasthemoon
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Hi All!

I'm Andi, bringing you Regulus Black to play with. He is a rather quiet and somewhat mopey chap, brooding away in his dorm most of the time. But he is looking forward to coming out to play with each of you!

About me - I'm mid-twenties, and a free-lance filmmaker. That means I have periods of unemployment, and periods where I am working 100% of the time. During the work times I might be a little inactive, but then, I might not. I will still have access to the internet via my phone, and if anything like my last production, I will still be able to be active, if not more so. =)

My AIM is PlayInTheLeaves, and that and my email both go directly to my phone. Don't hesitate to contact me if you want to plot!!
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Wednesday, February 1st, 2012

Hi. I'm Trin. I'm old. I live in New York, in one of the snowiest cities in the US (well maybe not this year, we're failing at winter). I ride horses, teach kids martial arts, make jewelry and blog. I recently lost my job of two years and am panicking. :) You can find me at BleedsPristine on AIM! I can't wait to get going!

I bring you Alecto Carrow, sadistic, bitchy, kinda scary. That's her! I really fail at intros. Alecto is super scary close to her twin brother, vicious from day 1, and uh was mostly raised by her grandparents and mother. Her father wandered off to do something until recently. Alecto is here. Read her then come back to me and let me know what you think plot wise. ;)
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