Welcome to the Nexus - March 21st, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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March 21st, 2010

Returning to the nexus [Mar. 21st, 2010|10:16 pm]


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[Current Mood |hopeful]

Fujin wasn't really sure how long she'd been away from the Nexus. Time's a strange thing after all, especially when there are sorceresses involved. The place looked different then what she remembered. She looked around recognizing a few people and thought about going to say hello to them.

Then she remembered where she was. This was the Nexus, of course there would be someone she recognized, maybe even a few of the same someones. This place was like that after all. The real question was would there be anyone here who still remembered her? And how would they know it was the same her that had been there before if they followed the same line of thought she herself just had. Damn this place was screwy.

She walked over to the most familiar thing there, the great big sign directing people to ask a question. She rather liked the sign. It was very much like herself- direct and to the point. Of course last time she had been here she had managed to find some paper and a pen. She felt her pockets and sighed. No such luck.

How do you manage to ask a decent question when you can only get out, at most, a couple words at a time. Well, everything she knew was gone now. So she should probably start with finding some of the basics.

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[Mar. 21st, 2010|10:57 pm]


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"Oh, my, this is certainly an interesting place." The woman standing there was tall, slender, and graceful, with dark hair and eyes. She held herself in a poise that suggested aristocratic breeding and schooling, and her speech was excellent, if harboring a somewhat strange accent.

"Ask a question?" She considered the sign and smiled. "Are there any parents here? How do you cope with having a child with... shall we say, special needs, when you are living in the public eye?"
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