The NeXt Step in Evolution
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August 2009
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Sneaking onto the grounds, night; attn: Logan

He was going to have to hire new contacts. Damien hadn't received word that his sister was in danger until too late. He had already caught a plane to the States, and by then, she had already been rescued. Part of him was pissed because he had missed out on taking down her captors. He may have something of a chivalrous streak to him at times - it was well-hidden but it liked to rear its ugly head from time to time - but he still loved him some well-meaning violence. Still, she was safe, so far as he knew.

But he was already here, so he might as well drop by and see her, right? After all, he hadn't seen her in nearly a year. He hated to think of the flight as a waste, especially as he hated flying - well, he hated the other passengers and just everyone, really.

The wall surrounding the outside perimeter of the school was nothing. He had scaled it in all of maybe two seconds, and moved through the darkness of the woods. They didn't have any sort of security within the trees, probably because too often they'd find themselves chasing deer or rabbits. At the treeline, he stopped and climbed several feet up into an oak tree, crouching on one of the higher branches as he surveyed the area.

The Status is Not Quo (Genosha, late evening, open)

What good was a healing factor if it didn't keep you from having headaches?

Then again, he'd never had one until he'd fallen off the Statue of Liberty, landing first on the boat and then clear through that into the bay. It hadn't killed him and he thought there'd been no damage until he had the first blinding migraine that put him down for a solid three days. There'd been no rhyme or reason to when or why they hit, and he couldn't prepare for them, just hope he could find a dark, quiet place to crash.

It wasn't until he'd worked himself into a homicidal rage over some idiot when they'd been storming Genosha that he realized what was triggering the headaches, and since he'd long ago given himself over to the animal, it wasn't something he could avoid.

The fall had apparently shaken something loose, though; in addition to the migraines came horrible nightmares, a replay of everyone he'd ever killed flashing past in blood-soaked clarity. Things that had never bothered him in the past, deaths he'd reveled in, now woke him out of a dead sleep wishing like hell he could just shut it off.

The thought that he was turning into Logan, of all people, only led him to be more violent, more vicious. Fuck the nightmares, he was a killer.

The latest migraine had finally abated and he found he was restless, angry, needed to get out and do something, anything to take his mind off of it. He passed several people in the halls of Magneto's citadel, some he recognized and some he didn't, but they all moved past like Death was bearing down on them.

Illyana "Magik" Rasputin [userpic]
Genosha -- Open

Illyana wasn't the type to just sit around and complain when she was bored. She also wasn't the type to wait for something to happen. She usually went looking for trouble or for something to stir up when she was feeling restless and antsy.


She had enough respect for Magneto and for Victor that she wasn't about to purposefully piss them off for no reason. The people here were off limits (for the most part) for her games, so she had contented herself with a visit to Limbo to check on her realm. It was unfortunate for a few of the demons that she did because she caught them trying to organize a coup.

That didn't go well for them.

Most of her boredom alleviated, Illyana used a stepping disk and left Limbo to once again return to Genosha.

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