The Literatzzi

Where fanfic dare not tread

May 4th, 2009

(no subject) @ 09:57 am


Turns out I've not been logged in for the last month or so. It explains why everything looked so quiet! Sorry for missing so much ^_^

Apparently it's been so long I forgot that to post to the comm, I actually had to tell it to post to the comm and not my own journal. So, um, link:

So, umm Prompt 18c: Changing your mind. Roman fic.

January 26th, 2009

(no subject) @ 02:53 pm

Tags: , , ,

I've been trying to work out what to do with this - how to give it a plot - for a long time. I'm hoping if I use it for the prompts something will reveal itself.

It's somewere about AD 80, and Iuventius has come to Britain in search of his childhood friend Rufus, who is a member of the IX Legion based in Eboracum (York). Iuventius has a kind of (unresearched) PTSD from his escape from Pompeii and suffers from bad nightmare and occasional flashbacks. He's inherited his father's slave trading business, and he hopes to purchase the PoWs from the recent battles with the Brigantes.

Prompts 12a and 12d )

The Literatzzi

Where fanfic dare not tread