June 19th, 2010


The Greeks: Weeks 3-4


Previously, at The Greeks...

Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades started establishing their courts in the Skies, the Seas, and the Underworld. Zeus took Metis as his wife and queen, and there was an elaborate party and ceremony on Olympus, where Poseidon asked Amphitrite to dance, and Hades met Leuke.

The upcoming two week's (not so "mini") synopsis: Themis comes to Zeus with a startling prophecy, which changes everything. Poseidon has a liaison with Thoosa (who bears him Polyphemos, who will be important later on). Hades carries off Leuke, and begins a liaison with her. The Moirae come into the Underworld and join his court.

Zeus takes Themis as his second wife, and she bears him the Moirae and Horae. He then seeks an annulment from her, and has liaisons with Eurynome and Mnemosyne. Poseidon, meanwhile, has liaisons with Halia and Agriope.

The Erinyes come to the Underworld's court, and Hades has Menoetes care for his immortal cattle. The Keres become attendants to his throne.