Posts Tagged: 'themis'

Jul. 10th, 2010


Themis and Zeus: I want a divorce...

Who: Themis and Zeus
What: Zeus tells Themis he desires a divorce
Where: Themis' chambers
Rating: T

Consent to annulling our marriage, and from henceforth, it is my pleasure that you call yourself my beloved sister... )
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Jun. 29th, 2010


Themis and Zeus: The Wedding

Who: Themis and Zeus
What: Zeus and Themis get married
Where: Mount Olympus, then Zeus and Themis' chambers
Rating: M (Warnings: smut after the time lapse)
Word Count: In progress... long as we both shall live. )
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Jun. 28th, 2010


Themis and Zeus

Who: Themis and Zeus
What: Zeus asks Themis to be his second queen
Where: Mount Olympus
Rating: K+
Word Count: 2,246 (complete log)

I will take another wife… )
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Message delivered to Themis

A giant, golden eagle, royal bird of aegis-bearing Zeus, delivered the following message to Themis, quickly dispatched, as the king readies himself.
Invitation to the Throne Room )
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Jun. 23rd, 2010


Themis and Zeus

Who: Themis and Zeus
What: Themis informs Zeus of a prophecy
Where: Mount Olympus
Rating: K+
Word Count: 2,695 (complete log)
The Olympian Dynasty, all my work, finished, and it's MY fault! )
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Jun. 22nd, 2010


Themis and OPEN

Who: Themis and Demeter
What: Themis and Demeter, talk, and enjoy the garden.
Where: Olympus – the gardens of the palace
Rating: TBA

Flowers seem intended for the solace of ordinary humanity. )