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Subject:Hide and Seek
Time:12:32 am
Who: Darcy and Noah
Where: Outside the orphanage
When: Late morning

Darcy hadn’t slept off that angry feeling. She was still pissed at her cousin. Still sure he was being pulled into something bad and dangerous by his dick. Idiot.

She couldn’t sit in her house, especially considering she’d barely slept and by morning she was out, looking for Noah. It was an odd thing to start so early with, but she wanted to think about something else and Noah was an easy thing to distract herself with. She’d wandered around the town hall, peeking in a window here and there, but it was mostly dead. Then she just set to wandering, smiling when she did spot him, sitting on a bench on the far side of the orphanage. She was only there by luck, having wandered towards the back of it, just to cut across the grass away from the church.

Moving closer she slinked along the wall of the building then snuck up behind him, hands out to cover his eyes. “Surprise.”

found you )
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Time:04:54 pm
Who: Sylvia and Noah
Where: Portland
When: Years Ago

The buzz was settled firmly in Noah’s body. He could feel it humming along with his terrible crooning to the music. His friends were bumping him with their hips, grinning white toothy shark smiles and grinding each other into pulp. He loved it. Nothing mattered, there was nothing important happening in his life. Until he heard a scream or was it a siren? Shit! It was a raid, he was sure of it. Feet stampeded like elephants knocking and jostling him against the wall and stairwell. He cracked his head so hard that suddenly cold air was spilling across his face and he could see that he was out in the dark on the street.

“Where the fuuuuuck...?” he growled. He winced as he pulled himself up off the foul smelling pavement. His shoulder hurt like hell and he wasn’t sure if the transition of time had been sequential or if he’d been passed out here for some time. All he really was registering, other than the pain in his shoulder, was a splitting headache across his forehead and the sound of screaming. Frantic, shrill, terrified screaming.
two of them )
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Subject:Advanced Game Theory
Time:11:35 pm
Who: Noah & Darcy
Where: Classroom
When: Late morning

Noah liked red hair. It always caught his eye but he'd gotten fairly adept at watching it without being obvious about it. A flick of a glance here, a nod in the direction of a rightly answered question in class. He knew from observation that Darcy was a hard egg to crack and so he hadn't attempted small talk yet. If the snarky back and forth with her cousin Avery had any bearing on the possibilities, he knew he'd have to be on his A-game if he ever did talk to her. He pretty much figured leading with the info that he'd memorized the exact pattern of the freckles on the back of her neck and shoulders would get him slapped. Still it was something he'd done to pass the time. Along with myriad other detailed memorizations of his fellow classmates.

So it was on purpose that he deliberated for a long moment before speaking to her finally. He thought he had noticed she was without a pencil and after the study period he knew there was a test. She'd need it. "You need to borrow this?" he asked, holding up a finely sharpened number 2. It was as plain as they came and his expression said no strings attached.

Bring your A-game... )
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