November 2009


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Aug. 27th, 2009


Starting Date!

Hey everyone! Mod Madeline here!

We want to thank you all SO much for being so patient with us while we wait for more applications and get everything ironed out so we can finally start playing around here! That being said, we finally have a start-date for you all!

The game officially opens in the established timeline on Tuesday, September 1st!

And a note on gameplay and the timeline :

To accomodate all of our players and to give you all enough time to fully explore writing and character interaction and the plot, as we know this game can require a lot of research and getting your facts straight, we'll have a timeline of one in-game week equaling two real-time weeks. Us mods will put up a week change for each time to remind you, with specific dates and important events added in along the way, so you'll want to keep coming back to see what we have in store. This will give everyone plenty of time to not get all caught behind in individual threads, and we don't want you to feel the crunch of falling back and losing track of what's going on.

We'll also fit in a log of open threads and important announcements on that week timeline to maintain consistency and keep other players in tune to what's going on with who. If you like, we'll also add in journal entries by individual characters if you like. If not, just let us know! We just know with this formulated time-line it can get a little confusing to keep things in order. We want everyone to feel free and not rushed or stressed by not having a thread done in time, but we're always open to suggestions! Just remember the mod dropbox!

Also, more importantly, September 2009 will equal June 1943 in-game. We're using this as a starting-off point because the US Army Air Force landed in Willingale RAF field on the 25th of June - for major events, we'll go on the specified timeline. Before then, they were on a US navy ship which transported them to England. Feel free to write letters, thread out random interactions on the boat, or keep an eye out for ones started by others! Townspeople can also do the same in the village of Ongar, where the locals will have a few weeks of peace and quiet before the Americans come to town.

It does seem like a long time to wait for the Americans to officially reach Chipping-Ongar Air Base, but there's lots to be done in the meantime! Formulate your characters, pimp for others, think of specific storylines you wish to seek in-game! Make friends, bring in other players, work out last-minute kinks with your characters or YES YES SPECIFICALLY EMPHASIZE THIS - bring in new ones of your own! We still need lots more of everything, ESPECIALLY airmen. Airmen make the world go 'round, so to speak. And since you all are already in-game, we won't require a writing sample from each additional character you bring in.

We may also give you a little leeway if you bring in airmen. Yes, there are perks :)

So yes! Let's get ready to write and have fun! Remember to watch the communities and keep an eye out for mod announcements, news bulletins, and other things along the way ;)

~ Mod-Squad : Madeline