Nov. 22nd, 2009


Mini-somewhat-something of a hiatus!

Hello everyone!

So of course there hasn't been a lot of Sam Doubletree bugging the hell out of everyone and being a general son'bitch, as he'd say, but I have a reason why!

I'm going to London tomorrow! And in the past month I've been just running all over getting details all together, and so yes, this rambling is a notice of semi-hiatus! I promise, I'm not just slacking off in my modly-duties :)

Also, my trip is somewhat productive and not just fun-stuffs and eating too much Indian food and hopefully finding a cute Buckingham Palace Guard to take a picture of! I should probably mention that I'm going over there to visit with Molly (the other half of the mod-squad) AND we might be going to the ACTUAL town of Ongar. We'll see where our guys and gals were! Not much of the original base still exists, but I'm so excited, and we'll take lots of pictures for you all, and we might even go to the hotel where Darla works!

But yes, for this whole week, from now at November 22 to about December 3rd when I should be all jet-lag free, I'll be on a hiatus! Unofficially, of course, since I'll still hop onto the internet when I can. And I do apologize about slow replies and modly adds from me, but when I get back we'll be in full-swing and get this show on the road!

Thank you all so much!

Madeline (and Sam)

Nov. 10th, 2009


Hello all!

This is just another nosy mod post, this time from me, Molly!

I must admit, I've been sort of failing on the activity thing myself, but hopefully we can all change that! I'm studying in London right now, so things are kind of hectic, but I definitely want to make sure I write with all of you, and help get this game a little more active!

Hit me up for a thread-- any time, any where-- with Jack here. I'll be putting up an open thread in a couple of minutes, so please feel free to throw your character in!

Anyway, that's all! Hopefully Ill write with all of you soooooon! :D

-- Molly (and Jack)


Last call for activity check!

All right everyone! Last call for activity check - you have three days to drop us a line and let us know what's up or if you need a hiatus / post something into the comms or we're going to have to drop the following characters from the game:

Activity Check on:

  • Noah McKnight
  • Paul Taylor
  • Emmanuel Palomo
  • Samantha Kane
  • Bertram Edwards
  • James Harwood

Come on everyone! Let's get cracking!

Remember, you can always post requests for threads and such in this comm! It's a never fail, and I for one am always willing, if you want to withstand Sam Doubletree. Though I do have a new one on the way. . .


Nov. 2nd, 2009


New player saying hi!

Hi everyone! I'm Jess and I play June. She's the sweet british gal in town. She's lived there all her life so those that reside there would most likely know her. Actually I'd love to work with anyone on back history between chars. June's looking for her friends :)

Anyway, short and sweet intro. Looking forward to playing with everyone!

Oct. 25th, 2009


Hey guys,

Just a small note that I am alive, just been sick. If anyone would like to thread with my girl, let me know :) She could use some interaction

Oct. 18th, 2009



I'm totally pimping for us to get more men to fly these kind of missions, brought to you by the miracle of Youtube. YEP, I'M PIMPING TO YOU GUYS :)

Oct. 13th, 2009



Hey everyone! Mod-Madeline here, back from a hellish two weeks of midterms! (Commenting from Sam's account because his faces are just too silly :P)

We've got a new player here with us, so run your friends-buttons and look out for their intro post! We know things have been slow lately, but soon we have the proper dedication of the field and the first of the assignments, so now is a good time to recruit new people for when our guys and gals will have their hands full with missions up in the air, more time to get to know the locals, and anything and all inbetween!

You've noticed we need AMERICANS - LOTS OF THEM. We need airmen like CRAZY for when we start the bombing runs, which are happening very, very soon! There's also the fourth of July coming up, so lots of fun stuff and drinking and debauchery. Or good old-fashioned chatting, if that's what you're into, of course :P Debauchery is an American thing, right?

ALSO - SUGGESTED PB POST! We keep on adding to this, and you can too! If you're or a friend who wants to join up is looking for a good PB, go check that out!

Especially Allison Miller. . .that's me looking out for Jack Davis over there. . .Or Amanda Seyfried! ;) Extra points if you pick up one of these PBs, you'll see there's a star next to Allison Miller. . .If you're a nerd of cancelled network TV shows like me you'll know what's up.

Okay! That's all I can think of right about now, so let's get cracking! Hit me up here if you want to write something with Sam Doubletree here, before he storms in with an open post and wreaks havoc!



Sep. 29th, 2009


Hi guys!

Firstly, let me apologise for taking so long to finally make an introduction. I've been dragged around Europe by my other half and have only just come back to England today :)

Anyway, I'm very excited to join the game! You all seem like great writers and I can't wait to play with you.
I'll be playing James Harwood, an RAF captain currently on leave because of his injuries (officially - unofficially, they think he's going a little loco) so he's there to make the Americans feel at home. Unfortunately, he's not exactly Mr. Welcoming so he'll probably just spend most of his time being angry and smoking instead of being friendly with the Americans. Despite being typically British and keeping himself to himself, James is actually quite a nice guy when he gets to know people. He has a good sense of humour and a charming Geordie accent, so who can resist, eh? :D

I would love to plot with some of you guys, so give me an e-mail on

look forward to playing with you all!

Sep. 6th, 2009



Hey guys,

Just letting you all know I've got a thread up in the RP comm so feel free to come bother Del?

Aug. 31st, 2009


PB Suggestions/Inspirations Post

We know that finding a suitable PB for the time period of 1943 can be daunting and intimidating. Is the hair right? Are the clothes timeless enough? Why is this so much of a hassle?

We also know that many players find the muse when they first see the character, the face and demeanor seeming to inspire the rest of the writing process. In this sense, we have decided to provide you all with a Played-By Suggestions and Inspirations post! If you have trouble with finding a PB that interests you, check here and see if any of these catch your eye! Or lend a hand and post your own! Just comment to the category with a PB you find that just screams "airman" or "nurse" or any of the other headings, and contribute! It's fun too, we promise.

Of course, if you find a PB under a category and you want to adopt it for a different grouping, go on ahead! Just because we have an idea for James McAvoy as a soldier doesn't mean he couldn't be a townsperson, after all.

When you find an inspiration, an absolutely amazing resource to go to for PB icons is Wikicon's memories, which lists thousands of icon-makers by subject.

Keep in mind, classic and timeless is the way to go.

And most of all, have fun!

NOTE : When posting icon samples from a maker's journal in your comment, be sure to credit back and say where you found them, and most importantly, DO NOT HOTLINK! Tinypic is your friend!

Aug. 27th, 2009


Starting Date!

Hey everyone! Mod Madeline here!

We want to thank you all SO much for being so patient with us while we wait for more applications and get everything ironed out so we can finally start playing around here! That being said, we finally have a start-date for you all!

The game officially opens in the established timeline on Tuesday, September 1st!

And a note on gameplay and the timeline :

To accomodate all of our players and to give you all enough time to fully explore writing and character interaction and the plot, as we know this game can require a lot of research and getting your facts straight, we'll have a timeline of one in-game week equaling two real-time weeks. Us mods will put up a week change for each time to remind you, with specific dates and important events added in along the way, so you'll want to keep coming back to see what we have in store. This will give everyone plenty of time to not get all caught behind in individual threads, and we don't want you to feel the crunch of falling back and losing track of what's going on.

We'll also fit in a log of open threads and important announcements on that week timeline to maintain consistency and keep other players in tune to what's going on with who. If you like, we'll also add in journal entries by individual characters if you like. If not, just let us know! We just know with this formulated time-line it can get a little confusing to keep things in order. We want everyone to feel free and not rushed or stressed by not having a thread done in time, but we're always open to suggestions! Just remember the mod dropbox!

Also, more importantly, September 2009 will equal June 1943 in-game. We're using this as a starting-off point because the US Army Air Force landed in Willingale RAF field on the 25th of June - for major events, we'll go on the specified timeline. Before then, they were on a US navy ship which transported them to England. Feel free to write letters, thread out random interactions on the boat, or keep an eye out for ones started by others! Townspeople can also do the same in the village of Ongar, where the locals will have a few weeks of peace and quiet before the Americans come to town.

It does seem like a long time to wait for the Americans to officially reach Chipping-Ongar Air Base, but there's lots to be done in the meantime! Formulate your characters, pimp for others, think of specific storylines you wish to seek in-game! Make friends, bring in other players, work out last-minute kinks with your characters or YES YES SPECIFICALLY EMPHASIZE THIS - bring in new ones of your own! We still need lots more of everything, ESPECIALLY airmen. Airmen make the world go 'round, so to speak. And since you all are already in-game, we won't require a writing sample from each additional character you bring in.

We may also give you a little leeway if you bring in airmen. Yes, there are perks :)

So yes! Let's get ready to write and have fun! Remember to watch the communities and keep an eye out for mod announcements, news bulletins, and other things along the way ;)

~ Mod-Squad : Madeline

Aug. 24th, 2009



:) I just wanted to post in the comm and say hey! I'm Madeline, the other half of the mod-squad, who has been insanely busy and getting reaccustomed to school and the perilous thought of going back to school over the best summer ever. Obviously you can see I am rambly, which I hope doesn't scare anyone, and I just came home from my Humanities class so I'm all weird and rambly even more. Molly can be my witness.

ANYWAYS YES. I just wanted to say hey and sorry for a bit of backup as we get things going in the game! And I'll be back here to introduce this horrible depraved man you can all call Captain or Samuel Doubletree or as lots of people not-so-fondly refer to him as, "Captain Field Commission." And I'll also have a new boy for you sooooon ;)

SPEAKING OF WHICH, yes! We need boys! Boys meaning airmen! And feel free to invite your friends and start planning backstories if you wish, and leave suggestions for what you'd like to see in the mod drop box! But you know the drill, so I'll leave you to it.

Can't wait to get this all going!


Madeline (the alarming voice behind alarming Capt. Doubletree)

Aug. 20th, 2009



I'm a lemming. But howdies. I'm Charlotte, though most people know me as Nya. I've been roleplaying for a good while. Mostly chat based, but I've done my share of forum-based stuff aswell. I'm not awfully familiar with chat's based in journals like this. So if I make any noob mistakes, poke me and I'll fix it.

I am hoping to start playing soon. I love doing scene's with everybody, but. Well Delilah can be...strongly opinionated. To put it lightly. She's very arrogant, and haughty. Half the time she will act better then thou. But that won't stop me from doing scene's. Just toss me a line. As you can see I keep a very odd sleepschedule.

Hope to talk to you all more :)



Hey Ladies and Gents,

It's Ericka here, bringing you the ever lovely, if tomboyish Samantha Kane! I've been roleplaying for an embarrassing dozen + years, though I haven't been on a journal game in some time now, preferring a good LARP (having my first degree in drama) or mush to journals, but I LOVE this setting. I just couldn't pass up WWII, so here I am!

I'm up for staring role play as soon as possible, so if any of you want a nice camp follower hanging off of you, just shoot me a note and lets start a scene! Samantha, while being a camp follower, is truthfully more interested in the planes than the men, so it should be rather funny to see what happens!

Any other questions or comments, just leave a note here and I'll happily get back to you! Good flying!


Aug. 8th, 2009


New Location

We've mobilized and moved here to Insanejournal!

Supplies and reinforcements are on their way.