Jul. 24th, 2008


Thaneros Online Magazine - Public Service Announcement

It is with great regret that the following must be written. I only wish I could see better to type it up.

Ethan Thomas, the editor of Thaneros Online Magazine, has always been a group entity, one comprised of two writers sharing a pseudonym as well as intimate living space. One of those writers--namely myself--has received serious health news over the last week. I have learned that I need far more than a change in prescription to fix my recent eye difficulties; I am in the second stage of diabetic retinopathy, and the sight that has been lost may not return. This means that I must prioritize time spent on the computer, and at present the magazine takes up the majority of that time, leaving very little for writing itself. Given that this condition is generally progressive and that I am now suffering other diabetic complications as well, we have decided it best to focus on writing instead. Therefore, as of today, Thaneros Online Magazine is no more. While we plan to leave archived stories up for one year, as per our contracts, should any of our writers wish for their work to be removed we will do so immediately. Please--submit elsewhere. You write beautifully, and your work deserves to be read. Working with you was a greater pleasure than either of us can express.

One Half of Ethan Thomas