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[10 Sep 2005|09:24am]
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I'm new here. [10 Sep 2005|05:10pm]
[ mood | silly ]
[ music | System of a Down / Question! ]

Hi, I'm Bri and I just joined this asylum today. I figured I'd try to give it some life... :-P

I figured that since we can post artwork, that I may do so. I have a lot, so if you would like, you may go to my site and go to the artwork from there, or if you have a DeviantART account, you may check out my page here. Enjoy.

Also, I need advice (like usual).
I'm a very compulsive organizer and cleaner. I always try to organize my friends' stuff and clean up things. Sometimes, it makes them mad and I totally understand, but it is a bad habit that I have and have had for a LONG time. Is there anything that I could maybe do or say that could help out this situation?

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Well... [10 Sep 2005|11:06pm]
[ mood | crushed ]

What should I do now? )

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