October 21st, 2008

[info]feefiefoefum in [info]tall_tales

Hey everyone. Amber here with another character.

This is Damien Harding, Autumn's [[info]differentcolor] older brother. In case the journal didn't give it away he is the Giant from Jack and the Beanstalk. The man is 34, an ex football player (NY Giants, I couldn't resist) who currently owns his own gym and is a personal trainer there. Lives in Chicago but having been a professional athlete he traveled quite a bit, and he still has opportunities to travel left and right.

He is a people person, Mr. Nice Guy really. Pretty much the exact opposite of my two biggest assholes in the game, haha! Jared and Ty anyone??

Um yeah he needs a lot of plot, all is welcome and encouraged! Pleeeeeeeease!

Lovestory006 is where to reach me or comment here.