October 20th, 2008

[info]codycomelately in [info]tall_tales

Hey Folksies!

Tara here, throwing her latest kiddo to the slaughter! Okay, just kidding. Please be nice to him! This is Cody Fincannon, little baby brother to Tracey Fincannon ([info]lostmarbles). He's 19, but will be 20 on Halloween! Hiii-ya!

He's a big goober, nice, polite, and a tad on the dorky side -- with the face of the adorable Michael Cera! He's located in Seattle, where he's lived since he was 8 years old. Your characters might have seen him around U of W, or at McDonalds, where he works a the poor sap on drive-thru duty. Oh, and his tale is the Hare from The Tortoise and the Hare fable -- he's proving left and right that nice guys finish last.

