March 14th, 2008

[info]megara in [info]tall_tales

This is a sort-of hiatus post. As in I really have no idea if I'm going on hiatus or not. I'm heading home for spring break this afternoon and I don't know if internet access is available or not. And even if I am on, it won't be the crazy hours I keep now. I'll be gone for about a week and a half, if I'm gone, so I figured I'd let ya'll know in advance.

[info]2ndtonone in [info]tall_tales


So update on medical stuff:
I've seen specialists and hopefully the course of treatment should bring improvements soon! So hopefully I'll be off hiatus soon.

But sadly I'm dropping more characters.
I know, I know, I'm sorry... but it has to be done. *sigh*

Okay, dropping:
[info]fishesinditches - Tommy Murphy
[info]summers_soul - Summer Rayner
[info]foxyslightly - Ashley Light
[info]fire_charmer - Bridget James
[info]wornslippers - Chance Reed

I'll be sending an email to the mod account.

<33333 to everyone.

Okay I should say who I have left yeah?

[info]potionsbook - Adrian Book, 30, Seattle
[info]ironyinthat - Quinn Roland, 30, Seattle
[info]tinyprince - Ian Wolf, 24, Seattle
[info]2ndtonone - Jayden Davison, 17, Chicago
[info]johnjacobjingle - Lainey Kane, 20, New York City
[info]golfbandit - Robbie Grey, 23, Boston
[info]herkiss - Zoe Wright, 17, Chicago

Oh I still have Zeke!
[info]zekethemouse - Zeke Rhodes, New York City