March 13th, 2008

[info]differentcolor in [info]tall_tales

I'm going on hiatus until further notice. Knowing me, it won't last long at all. Maybe not even a whole day. But whatever. I still might comment to other people's journals, but I won't be updating them until I come back, nor will I be tagging threads. I'll still be on AIM if you need me.


[info]town_mouse in [info]tall_tales


Stella's been listening to the preview clips of Pretty. Odd., and it's not been good to her health. Seriously, SO FLAILY. I'm clearly addicted to Panic At The Disco.

Which is why it fits so well for me to fire off this seemingly random question/statement:

Zephyr Way here - lead singer, piano man and occasional guitarist of Panic At The Disco - is very much in love with Zeke Rhodes. If that's slipped past your attention. Whilst that might not have happened, it is however still kind of an 'inner circe knowledge' thing IG. Meaning, technically, that the band members know, management and select close friends (at least from Zeph's point of view, who knows where the others spilled their beans) as well as Zeph's family, because duh. :P

So yes. It wouldn't be fan/groupie knowledge. 'Course there are speculations (come on, it's bandom XD), and tabloids to help... But yeah. So if you're unsure whether your kid would know, feel free to ask.

Do I have a point with all this? Yeah, but if things work out as planned, you'll all know on March 25th (the release date of Pretty. Odd. :D). I just wanted to get things cleared up, mostly in my head but also in preparation. Man, I'm having so much fun with this... XD


[info]talks2water in [info]tall_tales

I think that I am in desperate need of a hiatus. I don't know how long I'll be gone but this is best for me. I'll try to finish the things I have started but no promises. Everything is just too much for me, right now. I should be loving RP, not dreading it. I shouldn't be so worried about it that it plagues my thoughts all day and all night. Role-playing is supposed to be fun and, right now, it's really not fun for me.

If there comes a point that you need me or my characters, I will be on AIM. If you don't feel comfortable IMing, my email is hopeguidesme [at] mac [dot] com.

For those of you that need plot to move, I could possibly be talked into playing through IM. Just hit me up.

[info]canthidebeauty in [info]tall_tales

all the cool kids are doing it

I need to take a hiatus, too. I've been trying to avoid it, especially since it feels like I just came back, but I just do not have the energy to deal with this place right now. Between work and the new allergy medicine my doctor has me on, I am exhausted all the time. Between that and the constant "hey, guess what so and so is doing/saying" that makes me feel like I am starring in a remake of "Mean Girls," I just can't deal with being around this right now, with everything else going on. We all vent to friends, but when I know for a fact that things aren't being talked about to the people involved, it gets a little junior high for me and I don't have the time or energy to deal with it at the moment. I hate to punish the handful of you who aren't doing that kind of thing, which is why I avoided it for so long, but things just seem to keep getting worse in that regard and I need to just take a step back from if all before I find that I can't enjoy being around at all.

I'm probably not really going to be around much on AIM, because working 9 hours, plus trying to prepare for a hopeful move across country eats up most of my time, but hopefully I won't stay away too long.