February 29th, 2008

[info]clockstruckone in [info]tall_tales

*rubs eyes, blinks, and yawns*

Heyo, folksies. I'm back from my crisis hiatus, so I'll start plowing my way through the tags you gorgeous people left me. I'll probably still be a little slow at first, and I'm sorry for that. I just started a new job yesterday, so now I'm working at two different places and my free time will probably be limited until I get a routine ironed out. Which is good because it means more money, but bad because tags take a bit longer. Whoops. Don't worry, I've written out a list of tags I owe/threads I'm in currently. Let me know if you've got thread ideas, too.

Lindsay, I know we started something with Scarlett/Gus, but maybe we could talk about it or start something new, because I don't really feel I know quite how to attack that one, since I had sort of forgotten about it by the time it was tagged. But I feel like we had some good discussions about them, and there's fun potential there?

Thanks to everyone who looked at/commented to my turbo plot post. I'll get on to checking out those comments, talking to players, and adjusting those things accordingly. If you haven't stopped by that post yet, would you check it out? *puppydogeyes*

Also... yay, it's my little Leap Day baby's birthday! Gracie was born on this day in 1984, so she's been around for 24 years, but she fully intends on telling everyone it's her sixth birthday because, well, it is :)

Lots of Love,

*p.s. - is there any way that folks could start signing their posts in the OOC comm? I'm totally not familiar with the usernames of all 300+characters, and I'd love to know who's saying/asking for what if it's posted from a journal I don't recognize. Just a thought? Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled programming*

[info]wornslippers in [info]tall_tales

Computer Update

So I feel much better.
However, my power cord for my laptop is broken.
My $140 bloody power cord.
And of course being me I didn't save the stuff for the warrenty.

So my laptop is now completely inaccessible. :(
However, my mom is looking into buying a new computer for me and my brother to use (so we'll have 2 family computers basically) until I get my own laptop situation sorted out (which as I'm broke will be a while).

So I should have regular computer access soon.

So, threading I shall be doing this weekend. (Might have to go back on hiatus after but hey, small time period to thread is good!)

So if you want to start a thread tonight or have something you want to do, I'll be on it later tonight or tomorrow. <3


I'm brining Zeke back. I dropped him but I'm bringing him back. Just a heads up.