February 28th, 2008

[info]differentcolor in [info]tall_tales

Allllrighty folks. Since asking for plot seems to be the way to go today, I'm gonna try and have a turn. Not with all of them, but... with the ones that talk the most in my head. Which, now that I'm compiling this list? Is all girls. My boys are in my head too, but they aren't nearly as chatty as my girls. This is mainly for my sanity, because... since they are so chatty? If they had more plot? I'm hoping it'll calm them down some.

And this time? I won't fail at replying.

If you care to look and plot with me )

Thus concludes me trying to get these girls to stop running too damn rampant in my head and have people to talk to.

♥ Lindsay

ETA: Also? I'm seriously working on the not failing at tags. Really. But? This is also a plea for these girls to get some threading action. Because right now? One of them are in threads. The rest? Boys. Boy overload. Not that I'm complaining. I love my boys, but I want some grily stuff too.