February 26th, 2008

[info]dreamadream in [info]tall_tales

HOKAY. Now that I have prettyness, let me properly introduce both of my newlings!

This one here is CAITLYN REED, oldest of the Reed kids, living in NYC when she's not traveling around with her dancing groups. They're doing The Nutcracker right now, which is ironic since she's Clara (the little girl) from that Tale. Her PB is Julia Stiles and I'm really excited about her. Right now, her only plot aside from her obvious sibling plot is that she is good friends with Brooklyn Baxter ([info]_primaballerina), so hit me up for stuff - more friends, exes, flings, possible love interests, enemies/people to argue with her. I'm really excited about her, so please to be giving us some plot.

My other newling, which some of you have already commented to, is Allie Anderson. She's the second youngest of the Anderson kids, probably closest to Arielle and Anita, though she loves ALL her sisters to bits. Her best friend (yes, Crystal?) is Ana DePaolo, and.. she needs more plot! Friends, enemies, people to go rat her out to daddy, IDK.. she has a maybe love storyline, but I want to see where things go, so I'm totally open to other things, romance-wise. Just hit me up for whatever you want, because I'm wicked psyched about her, too.

ETA: Yes, I'm a moron. Allie's journal is [info]allana.

And I'd love plot with any of my other kids, too! My screen should be here this week, so look for me to un-hiatus and be ready to thread again sometime next week.

[info]wornslippers in [info]tall_tales

Medical Hiatus

I KNOW I just came OFF hiatus so this SUCKS.
But I have to go back on.

I'm having medical problems, dizziness, faintness and general disorientation that isn't going away. My blood pressure is normal and my mom is worried about neurological reasons.

I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow. He was booked today and my mom didn't want me to see anyone else as he's an acclaimed diagnostician (teehee, reminds me of House, that word). So I have to wait until tomorrow.

Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers because frankly, this sucks. And my mom's worried it might be neurological... and it's all rather scary.

The reason for the Hiatus is that I won't be online much.
Trying to focus on the computer screen is making me nauseous.