February 25th, 2008

[info]ex_allana228 in [info]tall_tales


This is Allie. She's the next youngest after Arielle, PB'd by the awesome and amazing Majandra Delfino. She doesn't have much plot, yet, save her sisters, of course, her father, and a possible love interest. She could use some exes (one serious relationship, but there may have been a few casual dates in there, too), a best friend outside of her family, and.. pretty much anything you guys are up for.

Her info is up, she even has storylines, sort of, and her journal and bio are all prettified, so head on over and plot with her, please. :D

... oh, right, she's in Boston, obviously. And a student at.. some college I haven't picked yet.

[info]silent_dwarf in [info]tall_tales

Okay everyone. This will be short and sweet because I really can't pull together an intro tonight.

I bring you Shawn Clarke, Chad Clarke's brother [info]bluefairyly. He is Dopey, the youngest of the seven dwarfs. Born and raised in Boston he is recently 29 years of age and has lived in NY for almost a full ten years. Owns a jewelry store though how he keeps it running he has NO idea. All his info is HERE so feel free to look it over and plot with me. SL's will be up soon, 7 of them at least, one named after each dwarf so think along those lines. Bashful and Dopey will be taken by the Love SL and the Brother but other than that he is completely open.

His PB is the sexy James Roday (Psych anyone???)

~ Amber Lovestory006

[info]bewarethefox in [info]tall_tales

Lindsay's got another girl. And there was much rejoicing. Yay.

Today, meet Lacey Fox. (Yes, she hates her name because she thinks it sounds like a stripper name.) She's 24, a waitress, and she lives in Chicago. She used to be the Fox from Aesop's Fables, and her ability is that, no matter how far fetched the compliment, when she does compliment someone, they believe she's sincere. She uses it to get what she wants a lot. She's a feisty, spunky little thing, and she loves to argue, and to make people laugh. Her PB is Rachel McAdams.

Most importantly... she has a 4 year old daughter, Andrea. But that's also where it gets complicated. At the risk of going on and on, I'm going to try to make it short and sweet. In a nutshell, her and Ty [info]bloodhoundbruno had a thing for each other, but he met her solely for an investigation, because she was involved with the wrong kind of people when she started college. So basically, it started out as just part of the job... and things got a little complicated down the line with feelings getting in the way. SO! Long story short (too late),they dated. There was a messy, nasty breakup after she found out about all the lying and his job and fun stuff, and they've never spoken since. A few weeks later, she found out she was pregnant with his kid. So he has no clue about Andrea. THUS why I felt the need to explain, so everyone knows it's not public knowledge to him. (And that's why I had to use this icon.)

I don't have any SLs for her yet, but she basically has one friend (since we decided Ally and her were friends, yes, Amber?) and whatevercomplicatedstuff with Ty. So whatever you want with her, just throw it at me. I'm excited about her.

♥ Lindsay

PS: Amber is a rambling crazy psycho. I thought you all should know. (ILU, Amber! ♥)

PSS: She's Barbie's [info]queencirce cousin! :D

[info]insiegeperilous in [info]tall_tales


...okay, so that was Mseh's advice on how to do things. Now let's see if I can manage a decent intro on no sleep. ;D

This is Preston Lancaster. He's 17 (almost 18), and a senior in high school in Chicago, so yes, I am tossing him into the madness that is LPA. Of course, he will be scared of the insanity, because he is a very straitlaced young man. Yes, he's one of those students who seems like he always has it together and always works hard and does well in his classes. Of course, his main motivation for doing that is to please his family. He can probably seem uptight sometimes, because he's been raised to act like a perfect gentleman and present a composed front at all times, and as such, he's not the most relaxed and laidback of individuals.

He does loosen up once you get to know him though. No, he's not going to run around and act completely insane, but you won't want to grab him and shake him until he admits to being a robot or anything either.

His Tale is Galahad from Arthurian legends, and his ability is that he can...find things. Yeah, I know, he's completely awed by such a talent as well.

ANYWHO, before I can start rambling...he has zero plot at this point, so hit me up with ideas. ♥


[info]rosyfingers in [info]tall_tales

Hokay. So, I have an addiction to playing siblings and tend to jump on it with any chance I get. Hence? Noelle (who, by the way, gets annoyed quickly by Christmas puns and whatnot) Bradshaw, stepsister to the wonderful Nathaniel.

Now, she's a sweet girl. Usually. So long as she's getting her way. For the most part, she's really perky and upbeat and the sort of person you kind of wonder HOW they manage to get so happy and bubbly all of the time. She pretty much thrives and basks on attention, despises being ignored more than anything, and tends to have random crying fits over nothing. Seriously. One minute she's fine, the next she's crying, and two minutes later she's crying again.

Basically? She's the incredibly emotional and girlie sort, and it's difficult to pinpoint what exactly you'll get out of her on any day. She's a little more innocent and naive than she realizes, and really, she needs people looking out for her.

On the flip side, she can be cunning and manipulative, but rarely does she like intentionally hurting people. Oh, she will if she deems it necessary and not feel bad... she'd rather someone else get their hands dirty and not worry about doing it herself. Again? Spoiled. Brat.

Uhm, her tale is Eos, the goddess of dawn, from Greek mythology. Her ability comes in two parts -- if she touches another tale at dawn (and only then does this work), she can 'borrow' their ability for the day. The other is simply that when she's feeling particularly emotional, her fingers give off a rosy glow. Funtimes!

She's in on the madness that is LPA and pretty much loves every drama-fueled second. Yup.

[info]blindbynight in [info]tall_tales

Hi Guys, Sabrina here with her newest kiddie.

His name is Johanus Messiah Tucker Kingston, but he goes by Tucker or Tuck. He's 26, filthy rich, and in Seattle. Currently he lives with his girlfriend Saturday in an apartment across the hall from his twin brother, Sol. He's got the hardcore punk look going, but is really a big teddy bear.

Check him out here. His storylines are here. Let me know if anyone's up for some plottage.

[info]satonatuffet in [info]tall_tales

Well because I'm insane, here are my three new pups finally. Ooh it's Satan by the way ([info]clawsthatcatch and [info]yourfronttome's mun)

I'll start with who I'm logged in as. This is Leigh Sharpe, and the resident Little Miss Muffet she's a medical examiner (coroner) who resides in Seattle. She can control spiders, even though she's deathly afraid of them. All of her info stuff is here and I promise to be making up storylines soon. As you can see she's the lovely Christina Ricci. But she's open for anything your heart's desire.

Then I have Natasha Crosby [info]saymyname, who is Rumpelstiltskin. She's a cop who lives in New Orleans. And she can turn straw into gold but she tries not to use it so much. Anyone who starts in with the short jokes is getting shot. Her profile is here and she's open for anything at all too. She's PB'd by Parker Posey. She's got an older brother and a younger sister if someone wants to be related.

Last but not least I have Harley Ferris [info]takesheads as the Headless Horseman from Sleepy Hollow. She's a contract killer, plus she runs a voodoo shop in New Orleans. She says it's a good cover. Basically her ability is that she never misses. Sometimes she takes people's heads, sometimes she doesn't. All of her profile stuff is here and she's PB'd by Liv Tyler.

So yeah, totally open for everything :D

[info]seespotlaugh in [info]tall_tales

So, here's the deal.

I've been stressed out and under a lot of pressure lately -- pressure that I don't feel is entirely necessary, and that's been hindering my overall fun. I need to talk to a lot of people, but I'm not going to do it in a public forum, because it'll just create more drama. It's my own business, it's my own issues, so I'll be an adult and work it out with who I need to work things out with.

But right now, I don't feel like I'm any good at playing. I'm going to have to re-evaluate my characters and my plot and decide who and what to keep so that I can be more focused on the fun. So I won't be RPing, in this game or at any other, until things feel better, no matter how much my characters *coughGracieandMandacough* object, Because I haven't been myself lately, and thusly, I haven't been any fun to play with anyway.

Please, will EVERYONE do me a favor and pop on over to my PLOT LIST and tell me, quite honestly, if you have any *strong* desire to ever play out the plot that is listed. Don't sugar coat, but evaluate realistically. I know there's some stuff that's outdated, some stuff that has never and will never get off the ground, so please help me. Seriously. Every single plot, every single character. Because I'm only going to keep the stuff that actually means something to me and to someone else. Because that'll make me a better player, and a better threading partner.

[info]canthidebeauty in [info]tall_tales

*edits in a better intro*

Hey, guys...I have a second new character - the oldest Reed sibling to replace Angie. Her journal is at [info]dreamadream and I threw her app up there before work, but I haven't had a chance to do icons or pretty things up or anything, yet.

ANYWAY. She's 28, almost 29, she went to Julliard, and she now travels with a dancing group. Her Tale is Clara (the little girl) from The Nutcracker and her ability is that if she sleeps anywhere but her own bed, she has these super-vivid dreams. She's a total bookworm, but dance is her number one passion and... I am really excited about her, so hook me up with some plot, yeah? I'll get SL's and things up later.

She's got a place in New York, visits home (Chicago) as much as she can and she travels around for work, so she could know anyone in any city, really.

[info]marblehead in [info]tall_tales

Intros for the people!

Stella's got two new kids.

This journal is for Saturday Ross, 26, Seattle, used to be Bungle the Glass Cat of Oz fame. She's a right scene queen and gets her way, be it by smart tactics or throwing tantrums... She's currently living with her boyfriend Tuck Kingston, across the hall from my other new kid,

[info]blindbyday Solaris Kingston (Sol called), 26, used to be one of the Three Blind Mice. Older twin to Tuck, he's blind during the day and can see at night, as opposed to his brother. He's an okay boy, looking more punk than he is, and a combination of money and a slightly hippie-ish upbringing, plus his relationship to his brother is what has shaped him.

Saturday's profile

Solaris' profile (so not set up properly)

Haven't got SLs written up yet, and won't have for the next few days probably. Things amazingly worked out and I'm actually going to see Panic At The Disco, tomorrow night! It all worked out this very afternoon, after two months of waiting and two weeks of pure shit, so I'm all nervous/happy now. :D But you have plot ideas? Comment here or to the profiles!

[info]queencirce in [info]tall_tales

Because everyone knows I fail at introing characters I will make this short and sweet. This here is Barbie Barbara Baker, she’s another LPAer, well for a little while anyway seeming the seniors graduate in a few months. She’s … a crazy bitch, when it comes down to it. She can be sweet, if she likes you enough but most of the time she’s insane o.o

She’s Circe from Mythology so… if you read over her wiki page? I guess you’ll understand why I say she’s psycho. I wouldn’t get on her bad side, especially if you’re a guy. She will show no mercy and most likely set dogs after you. (... If only I was kidding.) Think Ron being attacked by a flock of birds in HP =D She’s VERY much a girl and her older brother is very much a guy, so you can guess that arguing is practically in her blood.

A random thought came to me that she’s one of those drama kids? Not so much into the singing bit but I think she wants to teach drama at HS after school. We’ll see if that idea sticks =D

UM. She needs pretty much everything plotwise. Family could be cool, too. If anyone has spots open she could take? If she needs it I’ll give her a better introduction later but Mseh is sick. I did wanna see if anyone was interested in anything, though!

Woo! Being quiet now!

EDIT: Cousin to [info]bewarethefox

YES I am making notes to myself in the ooc place :P SHH