February 22nd, 2008

[info]megara in [info]tall_tales

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! Or...just ladies. Whatevs.

Jenna Forrester and Theodore Evans are FINALLY done being complete and total idiots.

Now excuse me while I go squee and flail for like...ever.

[info]allthingsnice in [info]tall_tales

SO. With any luck, I'll only be on hiatus for about another week, maybe two. I found a new screen for my laptop on eBay and it's on it's way here, so it'll be a lot easier for me to get RP time in once that's taken care of.

This post has two points:

1.) I'm starting up a list of threads I need to backdate when I come back. So comment if there's something you want/need to get played out and I'll add it to the list and we can start that stuff up once I'm able to actually, you know, thread.

requested/needed threads! )

I'm probably forgetting stuff, so hit me with a comment - and if you want something new, hit me with that, too. I also want to get on finishing what I have, which I think is Piper/Ben, Hayden/Ollie, Max/Jules, Spence/Gracie, Drew Whitnall/Alicia, Livvy/JJ.. am I forgetting anything? AND Claudia is in Boston visiting Frankie this weekend, so if anyone there wants her for anything, let me know.

2.) PLOT. With people leaving and dropping, I've lost some stuff and with me dropping, it kind of gets confusing as to who I -have- so I am going to list out my characters under a cut and I'm asking you to comment if a) we have plot you want to keep, b) we don't have plot, but you want some or c) we have plot that you want to drop. It's going to be blank for now, because I have to get to work, but I'll fill it in later based on comments.

lena's current tat characters by location )

I totally forgot a bunch of plot. I know I did. Please let me know if I've left something out or you want to fill an empty spot!

I'm hard to catch on AIM, since I can't AIM from work except for breaks and even then, I can't save logs there, but drop a comment here and I'll respond. And seriously, don't be afraid for ask for plot, because I love it and some of my kids really need more of it.

[info]harierthanthou in [info]tall_tales



Should have posted when RL got nuts, but better later than never?

I'll be back in a little more than a week on March 2ndish.

- Whitney