February 21st, 2008

[info]allthingsnice in [info]tall_tales

Going along with Tali's post here, because her drops are leaving a lot of mine with little to no plot that is consistently being played and I need to cut back, anyway.. I'm going to be dropping:

Chandler ([info]dukeofbrood)
Cynthia ([info]littlebiggirl)
Katy ([info]perfectsnake)
Jase ([info]notsochivalrous)

For now, anyway. There may be more before I finish hiatusing. I'll email the mod account in a bit.

[info]wornslippers in [info]tall_tales

STILL ON HAITUS - but dropping some people

I figure I'll free up some plot for people since I won't be active and I'm going to be cutting down later anyways.
I'm sorry for dropped plot. Don't hate me.

[info]dumtweedled Brittany Thomas
[info]eternalsword Jake Thomas (no relation, *snort*
[info]jiminyjimmy Jimmy Walker (hope someone has fun with Jiminy Cricket, he rocks)
[info]emperorflyboy Wyatt Anders
[info]nightmaredice Dice Gracen
[info]alexsmagicbeans Alexander Procter III
[info]mamabearleah Leah White
[info]doclenus Gavin Taylor

The only person up for adoption is GAVIN.
Let me know.

Also dropping Owen [info]allwhowander, he was brand shiny new but yeah.

[info]sunnyem in [info]tall_tales

I will be going into the hospital tomorrow for a heart cath. I am not sure when I'll be home but I will be taking my computer with me. I'll try to keep everyone informed.

I'll catch replies as soon as I get home. Until then, I'm hiatused. <3