February 13th, 2008

[info]yourfronttome in [info]tall_tales

Just curious.. I've looked but I might just be blind.

Do we have like a wanted characters/storylines list?

I have some characters in mind, but I figured I'd see if anyone needed anything before I app'd them and all.

[info]snowflake_cakes in [info]tall_tales

Ok guys! This is for all LPA student and faculty.

Xavier has been arrested for kicking the crap out of Robbie's father. We'll say that there was a report on the news saying that a teacher was arrested and blah blah blah.

The details that are now known:

Xavier kicked the crap out of Mr. Odell
His last statement to the man "That was for attacking my wife and murdering my child" were reported by Mr. Odell's secretary.

So basically they should all know that Xavier and Robbie are married and they can speculate on the whole child issue.

comment here if you have any questions.

[info]town_mouse in [info]tall_tales

Um, guys, randomly? I wanna play with my Zeph. Anyone else wanna play with my Zeph?

He's seriously been running rampant in my head lately. I don't even know why. And right now I'm sorta panicing (oh, the irony) over my Panic concert in two weeks, as I just found out today that the girl going with me might not be able to, and... that puts me in a very problematic seat. And it makes me a nervous wreck right now. So distraction's good.

So... Zephyr Way, Ira Lex and possibly Tory Heston-Crawford at your sevice at current. Unless you have plot with another of my kids, and wanna poke me about that. Can't promise, but do ping me.

I'll be writing a Zeph interview. You know where to find me. Right? (WildeScaramouche)

[info]canthidebeauty in [info]tall_tales

Hey, y'all!

I made it home in one piece, but my luggage did not arrive, which is rendering my computer even more useless. I'm using the roommate's old laptop right now, but I'm not going to get to tagging anything I owe tonight (since I also happened to be EXHAUSTED.