February 12th, 2008

[info]badroulbadour in [info]tall_tales

Okay, so. Lack of inspiration and other things has been building up for a while and leading to this post:

More than likely, after this weekend, I'm taking a bit of hiatus from here. I have other things to worry about and focus on and I don't need this stressing me out as well. Because oh my God, it's just an RPG and I shouldn't get nearly as frustrated/annoyed/aggravated as easily as I do. It seems to be happening a lot more easily lately and it's getting to bother me.

So! I don't know how long it'll be and I'll email the mods about it as well when it comes around.

On that note, I plan on dropping a character or... a few. I have a few ideas in mind, but I'm not one hundred percent certain at the moment, and nobody is one hundred percent safe. I have a vague idea of who SHOULD stay, but if there's anyone in particular you want, speak now and forever hold your peace.

And now I go back to being cold and freezing to death.

[info]foxyslightly in [info]tall_tales


I'm having serious computer trouble.
My laptop sounds like it's a dying mechanical animal.

I really don't know what to do about it because I do NOT have the money for a new one and my warranty and stuff is all used up. So I haven't a clue.

It's driving me nuts.
I still have access to my mom's computer, so I may be on to chat and stuff occasionally, but I really don't think I'll get enough time on it to RP, because everyone uses it a lot.

Anyways, I'll try to get replies in to my time sensitive threads.
*grumbles* I hate technology problems.


I will be occasionally on aim.
Probably at school or when I can grab time on the family computer.
Please. Thanks!


[info]warriorprincess in [info]tall_tales


Hey all,

I'm going to be offline Wednesday - Sunday. I'm part of the SCA, a historical reenactment group and our big event is this month.


[info]canthidebeauty in [info]tall_tales

I am going home tomorrow. :( This is very sad, as I have been having an insanely awesome time here with Crystal. BUT even sadder is that I think I am going to need to take a hiatus from Tell A Tale for awhile after I get back. I'll be speaking to people I have OTPs with privately to sort out V-Day plans and/or other plot, because I know how hard it is to play half of a pairing when the other half isn't around if you don't know what to assume is going on with them, but I have a lot of stuff I need to get on top of at home and I am having more computer problems on top of that - I can't get Photoshop to open at ALL and my system is running slow and getting overheated really easily - so my online time is going to be kind of scarce for a bit, even on my days off. :(

Things that absolutely need to be played out can be backdated and I'm going to try and work in replies to the threads I am already in, but I won't really be able to start anything new until I get both my computer and personal life stuff sorted.

Anyway, ♥! I won't be RPing, but feel free to IM me if you see me on AIM and if you need to ask about what my characters are doing, feel free! I don't mind talking about RP stuff at all, even if I won't have much time to do actual threading for awhile.

I'll be commenting to journal entries as I can, especially if it's something that's important for my character(s) to comment to and possibly sporadically updating my own? IDK.. it really depends on how my schedule goes and how long it takes me to get things done. But I'm going to try to at least keep up on reading journals and commenting when it's needed or when my headvoices simply will NOT shut the hell up until I do.

[info]crywolf in [info]tall_tales

HEY GUYS. Similar to Gabby? I'm thinking of dropping characters. Here's the list of all of them. Some will be staying no matter what, but if you have particular characters you'd like to save, comment here and say so. Also? Give me plot, because plot's always a good thing.


Okay, I'm just gonna do it this way. )