January 28th, 2008

[info]ashootingstar in [info]tall_tales

(OMG IT'S BEN'S BIRTHDAY :D Email notifications FTW, but that is SO not the point of this post. :P)

Sooo, last night Amber and I decided that the IC community needed to be tagged by character and player and Amber, being the awesome mod that she is, has already gone through and tagged every thread since the move to IJ, basically all of December and January. I went through all of my own posts this morning, because I was curious to see who I have and have not been active with and I have a few characters who haven't been played AT ALL in at least two months. I really want to correct this (even if I am proud to know that I've played 23 of my 26 in the past couple of months), so I'm asking for plots/threads with my 3 most neglected ones, please.

-> Cynthia Walker aka Little Red Riding Hood - Cyn is one of my favorites and she was actually my very first character here at TaT when I first joined. She's a lot of fun, but she is sorely underplayed and I really would love her to have more plot/playtime. She's 22, a grad student in Psychology at Brown University, spunky and witty, very observant, really just a lot of fun. Her journal is [info]littlebiggirl and please let me know if you'd like to play with her.

-> Tyler Jackson aka Foulfellow from Pinocchio - Tyler is a senior at LPA and he's a pretty interesting character, though I feel like I haven't had much chance to show that. Most of your students probably think he's kind of an ass and he can definitely be that, but he can also be very sweet and loyal. He's meant to have a few little sister types, but I think he's lost some of that plot with drops and people leaving. And, obviously, dating Jayden hasn't helped with the whole people hating him thing. Anyway, I'd love more to do with him - friends, enemies, family, whatever. He's an only child, but I'm up for plotting some cousins or whatever for him. Maybe one or two people who know he hates that his parents are never around and that kind of thing. And he's at [info]jockfellow.

-> Jackson Wells aka Mary's Lamb - Jack is a complete loser, seriously. Um, he's recently gotten an NPC boyfriend, so I guess you could say he's less in denial about the whole being gay thing. He's SUCH a sheep, he's a complete dork and he's crazy amounts of fun because of it. He grew up in Seattle, currently lives in New Orleans, and he currently has a few friends in-game, but most of them are Jeremy's friends, because that's how he rolls. Anyway, he's 20 and he's a complete slacker, and I've barely threaded him ever at all, so I'd love to actually play him some more. Any takers? He's at [info]notasheep.

So, those are the main 3, but I also would like more for [info]lookitme, who hasn't done much lately, either. I won't pimp him fully, but, really, hit me up if you want anything with him, too. Or ANY of my others. I love plot and I love threading or even doing crazy convos in journals. I've been sick lately and I'm leaving to visit Crystal soon, but hit me up for stuff, anyway.

[info]theboatwoman in [info]tall_tales


Okay. This one here? Hattie Phillips, younger sister to Will Phillips. She's a college student in Boston and her Tale is Charon from Greek Mythology. Ability? She can see dead people. THEY'RE EVERYWHERE. THEY DON'T KNOW THEY'RE DEAD. [/M. Night Shyamalan]

...honestly, there's no way to summarize her. You'll have to read her bio. But she is one messed up individual WHICH IS EXPECTED.

I don't have SLs up, but I plan on doing that at some point tonight. I'll edit the post when I get to it. For now though? ANY plot would be appreciated. All she has is a big brother and one or two potential friends.

[info]come_on_down in [info]tall_tales

For those of you with characters in seattle i thought i'd let you know that it randomly snowed last night. enough to delay school for two hours in places and cancel it in others.

[info]spoonified in [info]tall_tales


Tara here, introducing you to the new love of my life. This is Jack Austin, played by my fantastic Hollywood boyfriend, James McAvoy. He's 26, living in New York, and he's the embodiement of the Spoon from the Hey Diddle Diddle rhyme.

He's a DJ at a popular radio station in New York, and he's also the assistant station manager. Check out his PROFILE (the giant novel that it is) and STORYLINES that I've posted. He needs everything except a current romantic interest (since Amber's Tessa ([info]runawaydish) is his better half... the dish that ran away with the spoon? Yup.) I'm up for almost anything with him, so hit me up either here, there, or on AIM [SN: JinxyCatastrophe]

*love to all*

[info]heartofabeast in [info]tall_tales

Okay, so there has been a brief change in Raoul and Christine's storyline. We are going to make it to where Raoul and Christine were never married, they were childhood sweethearts bf/gf but are now really good friends. We rushed their relationship to fast so ya. Everything else is the same, his friends and family etc, but for now, he's single.

♥ Ashley