January 27th, 2008

[info]foxyslightly in [info]tall_tales

Okay, so I've talked various SLs with different people lately but I know I didn't write them all down.

Did we talk SLs?
Have any SL ideas we haven't talked about yet?


Because my memory apparently sucks.


[info]wornslippers - Chance Reed
[info]2ndtonone - Jayden Davison, senior at LPA
[info]fire_charmer - Bridget James
[info]nightmaredice - Dice Gracen, senior at LPA
[info]alexsmagicbeans - Alex Procter, junior at LPA

[info]fishesinditches - Tommy Murphy
[info]eternalsword - Jake Thomas
[info]golfbandit - Robbie Grey

[info]lepois - Gabrielle Lemarc
[info]mamabearleah - Leah White

[info]johnjacobjingle - Lainey Kane
[info]zekethemouse - Zeke Rhodes
[info]emperorflyboy - Wyatt Anders - NEEDS PLOT

[info]foxyslightly - Ashley Light
[info]dumtweedled - Brittany Thomas - NEEDS PLOT
[info]potionsbook - Adrian Book
[info]jiminyjimmy - Jimmy Walker
[info]ironyinthat - Quinn Roland
[info]doclenus - Gavin Taylor
[info]summers_soul - Summer Rayner - NEEDS PLOT
[info]tinyprince - Ian Wolf - NEEDS PLOT

[info]lostmarbles in [info]tall_tales

SO... what's a Sunday/Adds day without a new Lindsay charrie, right? Right.

This is Tracey Fincannon. She's Tootles from Peter Pan, lives in Seattle, and she's a personal assistant. (If anyone needs one, tell me, and she's yours. I was thinking more along the lines of famous people, like getting them all scheduled and crap.) She's 24, and was raised in New Orleans until she was 13 when her parents died in a plane crash. She moved then to Seattle, where her aunt and uncle on her mother's side became her guardians. (Also, if anyone would like to be a cousin that she had to move in with, tell me.) Her ability, or rather disability, is that she has to do what she's told if demanded. So, if your character says it in a nice way that will allow for free will, she doesn't have to do it. Oh, and her PB is Emily Blunt.

As far as her personality goes, she's loosely based off of Cam, the main girl character in Good Luck Chuck, just a little less talkative. She's a wee bit shy. And for those who haven't seen that movie, she's extremely clumsy. Everything that can go wrong with this poor girl does. She's dorky and awkward, but so freaking adorable it's insane.

Her Info is HERE. No SLs yet, but give her plot, and I'll put your charrie in once I get to it.

♥ Linds.

[info]fullofhotair in [info]tall_tales

Okay, so Randa is here with two new characters for adds days. Well, one new and one adopted.

First of all, I picked up Peter Charming ([info]peter_charming). So any and all plot you might have had with him, just let me know if you want to keep it.

Second, I have Arthur Mondale (this journal), father of Rhiannon Mondale. He's 42, and he lives in Chicago but is away because of work a lot. He has his own television show, which is a satirical look at political news. He's definitely friendly, if a bit sarcastic at times, so he's probably pretty easy to get along with. But he's also quite opinionated, obviously, so there are undoubtedly people he will clash with. Just don't mess with his daughter, or he'll...I don't even know. But it won't be pretty. He doesn't have any SLs up yet, but all of his information can be found in his journal.