January 2nd, 2008

[info]dancinglyla in [info]tall_tales

Sooo.. I as just updating my master list of characters and I thought.. what better time to re-pimp them all for plot?

full list under the cut )

They all have info posts in their journals and some of them even have SL's written up (*gasp* shock, I know). I know I have a lot of characters and it can be overwhelming, but a lot of them really do need more plot, so please take a look and comment or hit me up on AIM if you have anyone you think could work out for anything - friends, enemies, etc, etc.

[info]wornslippers in [info]tall_tales


Still on Hiatus BUT...

My friend Avilina is interested in joining TaT and apping a dancing princess.
But she was thinking of doing a High Schooler.
So here's the thing... I remember us way back when talking about ages and what not of the princesses.
Would everyone be okay with that?

Also Reed siblings...
I play Chance and I'm okay with this idea bc he loves to be protective of people, but Avilina's idea was that she could play a cousin, and parents recently deceased and so now she's staying with the Reed parents.
Is everyone okay with that?
Gabby, Lena, Mseh?

WE NEED THE OLDEST REED SISTER by the way. For those interested... PLEASE! *makes puppy face*
This family pwns my soul.