January 1st, 2008

[info]yourfronttome in [info]tall_tales

Okay guys, Jewels here. As you may know I'm going back to the apartment and I don't have my laptop since it's being fixed.

I'll be online when I'm at work and stuff, but other then that, I don't know how long I'll be.

So technically this'll be my last day for a bit with guaranteed net access. If you need me, email me: fetalcoffin@gmail.com or if you want my phone number to call me, comment and I'll send it to you or something :D

I'll miss you all.

- mun of Genesis and Adelaide

x-posted everywhere and your mom

[info]sanspeur in [info]tall_tales


CLICK THIS! Achmed the Dead Terrorist.

[info]badroulbadour in [info]tall_tales

Since it's the new year for me already and has been for almost an hour...

Cut to save FLists. )

Stay classy, TaT!

[info]crustacea in [info]tall_tales

Character development. =3
