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To New Depths [KH2, Axel/Roxas, NC-17] [Apr. 27th, 2008|12:46 am]


Title: To New Depths
Author: Ann V. (intravenusann)
Rating: NC-17 (I can't seem to do tentacles without tentacle porn.)
Warnings: Octopus parts meet fish parts. It's kinda like frot, if you tilt your head and squint. And Violence.
Word count: 1800-ish
Summary: It was cold, wet, and dark, but it was worth it for this.
A/N: For references: This is a giant pacific octopus. This is a latern fish. These are cave fish. This is a big fucking sturgeon. And this is an angler fish. So, there, photo references. Sorry this is late!! Life is, uh, life. :(

Yeah, like that's going to stop me. )
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New Worlds [Kingdom Hearts, Roxas/Axel, PG] [Apr. 26th, 2008|11:22 pm]

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Title: New Worlds
Author/Artist: [info]dogmatix
Rating: PG?
Warnings: Axel
Summary: Roxas would never live it down if they had to scrap the mission because they were too horny to concentrate.
Prompt: Kingdom Hearts, Axel/Roxas, strange new worlds

New Worlds )
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Fic: Reaching Out [Kingdom Hearts, Sora/Riku, R] [Apr. 16th, 2008|11:08 pm]

Title: Reaching Out
Author: [info]rosethornli
Rating: R
Warnings: Er, none?
Word count: 2846
Summary: When exploring a new world, even with the best intentions, don't try strange food.
Prompt: April 9th- Kingdom Hearts: Riku/Sora, taste
A/N: Gah! This is for the 10th and! Excuse: Real life issues. Forgotten to join the asylum so I couldn't post and IJ was out and. I'm sorry! *bows* Please do enjoy this late entry.

Should I mention that this is a first for me in nearly everything for this story? Perhaps not... Ignore that! Really! Enjoy.

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Naiad [Kingdom Hearts II, Axel/tentacles, R] [Mar. 7th, 2008|09:40 pm]

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Title: Naiad
Artist: [info]dogmatix
Rating: R
Warnings: tentacles
Summary: Axel gets sent to Fantasia. The natives approve.
A/N: Naiad - water spirit. Fantasia - Disney on.. something(and no I don't remember any naiads specifically, but if they were somewhere, they'd be there).
Prompt: Feb 19 - Kingdom Hearts II, Axel: Tentacles - "This was yet another reason why he really didn't like water."

Naiad )

x-posted from springkink on lj. I need an Axel icon

Edit: Tweak says, "I HAVE ICONITIS. WOE."
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