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And Then Ed Took a Level in Badass [FMA, Edward Elric, G] [Oct. 5th, 2009|10:10 am]

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UPDATED! I've added a second image for use as a reference. It is in COLOR and is much less sketchy than the first one.

Title: And Then Ed Took a Level in Badass
Artist: [info]jeredu
Rating: G
Warnings: Contains dangerous amounts of highly concentrated awesome
Summary: Ed's been changed into a chimera. End of story plunnie. But it could be SO badass.
A/N: This AU needs a story.  It would be EPIC.

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Advantageous [FMA, Edward Elric & Roy Mustang, G] [Oct. 5th, 2009|09:14 am]

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Title: Advantageous
Artist: [info]jeredu
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: Ed's been changed into a chimera. Plunnie ran out there, but I predict silly shenanigans will follow shortly.
A/N: I can totally see Ed doing EXACTLY this if he were to ever get tentacles. XD

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Experimental [FMA, Edward Elric. G] [Oct. 4th, 2009|02:21 pm]

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Title: Experimental
Artist: [info]jeredu
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: Ed's been changed into a chimera... and that's as far as the plunnie went. I got nuthin' after that. Maybe someone else will be more inspired.
A/N: I noticed that one of my favorite fandoms (FMA) lends itself well to the whole tentacle thing, since splicing together chimeras with alchemy (sometimes using humans) is a favorite pastime of the bad guys.

Tentacle!Ed )
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Naiad [Kingdom Hearts II, Axel/tentacles, R] [Mar. 7th, 2008|09:40 pm]

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Title: Naiad
Artist: [info]dogmatix
Rating: R
Warnings: tentacles
Summary: Axel gets sent to Fantasia. The natives approve.
A/N: Naiad - water spirit. Fantasia - Disney on.. something(and no I don't remember any naiads specifically, but if they were somewhere, they'd be there).
Prompt: Feb 19 - Kingdom Hearts II, Axel: Tentacles - "This was yet another reason why he really didn't like water."

Naiad )

x-posted from springkink on lj. I need an Axel icon

Edit: Tweak says, "I HAVE ICONITIS. WOE."
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