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1st Nov, 2013


Cas' sadface fits here, believe me.

I'm making this announcement here just in case there's anyone I forgot - I might not have net until Wednesday. The painters working on our buildings in the complex knocked something out and Verizon needs to get off its lazy arse and fix it. The mod duties will be handled, however. That we can absolutely promise.

Yet sadly, I'm pirating until further notice. Wish me luck.


1st Oct, 2013


First, I just want to say hello to everyone and say welcome to Surprise. Y'know, all five or six of us that there are right now, but yay!

I'm Amy, one of your mods, and have four characters currently under my belt. First up, we have AU!Castiel ([info]celestialintent) from Supernatural. His canon deviations starts up after the point in S7 when he goes under the lake and releases all of the Leviathans. Instead of winding up with amnesia, he instead wound up all but powerless on a riverbank and was found by Meg. The two of them have been working together ever since, fighting and hunting Leviathans as best they can. He hasn't spoken to Sam or Dean since the day he disappeared, so they'll be surprised to find he's not only alive, but has a girlfriend and a massive guilt complex. Just like he'll be shocked to learn what became of poor Bobby.

I also have a canon Anna Milton ([info]a_fallen_star) from Supernatural. She's from S4, ep 20, which means she hasn't yet been captured by Heaven, nor has she gone insane yet. She regrets everything regarding Dean Winchester and would rather not talk about that, but if anyone needs an angel to mojo them out of trouble, Anna is your girl. She's trying to walk the fine line between humanity and being an angel with varying degrees of success.

Then there's Meredith Grey ([info]darkntwisty) from Grey's Anatomy. She's coming from early S5, so she's a surgical resident at Seattle Grace Hospital still, having recently gotten back together with Derek Shepherd. She's still having second thoughts about that, but it's the least of her worries right now - she's on a spaceship and aliens don't exist, so expect her to flail for all of half an hour. Then she'll find the medical clinic and all will be right with the world. Please, BRING HER AND IZZIE YOUR AILMENTS.

Finally, I have Norman Jayden ([info]ari_addict) from the video game Heavy Rain. Norman's an FBI profiler who's quite good at his job and will likely be looking to investigate all of the strange goings on we have planned in the future, but he's got a bit of a drug problem. Whether it's actually the drug or the bit of technology he uses to help find necessary clues giving him the problem, that remains to be seen. However, this doesn't mean he's going to shrink into a corner.

Everyone is up for plot and I look forward to playing with all of you!