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7th October 2013

[info]notchrista in [info]surprise_ooc

Hello out there, friends and compatriots and players and stuff!

I'm Alice, I've just joined, and I'm bringing you the cutest little ball of fluff ever to fight cannibal-giants Historia, also known as Christa, from Attack on Titan! She's a fifteen-year-old soldier from a pretty godawful world where people have been forced to live inside walled cities to avoid being eaten by the titular Titans, whose sole purpose for existing appears to be eating people like some kind of All-You-Can-Eat-Buffet deal. Despite the fact that life in her world is terrible, Historia is a a really nice, charitable, helpful girl - there's more to it, but it can be found in her bio, along with some spoilers about her personal arc (and why she's got two names). Suffice to say, if you'd rather not have spoilers for the Attack on Titan manga, that she just recently decided to switch names.

(If you're not familiar with Attack on Titan, it's that thing that is suddenly overwhelmingly popular in the anime fandoms where people fly around in bondage-looking pants fighting really, really weird-looking naked giants. It is a show about mood-whiplash, amazing lady characters, and ruining lives.)

AND I HAVE A QUESTION, A PERTINENT QUESTION: the universal communicators, do they have a speech function or is it all typing? That sort of determines how Historia's first post is going to go, seeing as the tech level in her world is more or less printing press.