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January 2nd, 2013

Teams: Avengers

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With an ever-changing roster, the Avengers serve more as a concept and ideal than a concrete team. Working hand in hand with SHIELD and the United States government, the Avengers are the paragons of the superhero community, the public defenders of New York City. The pay is good, the benefits are excellent, and the housing is great if you can stand to live together with your teammates. Those who serve with the Avengers serve in the spirit of the greatest superheroes of all time: Captain America, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Ms. Marvel, Thor, and many others. They're upheld as the standard to which others aspire, and are considered to be the city's "sanctioned" defense force, unlike street vigilantes.

Superbabies! Avengers Roster: This chart gives a visual representation of which SB characters served on the Avengers and when.

Due to current game constraints, all Avengers-affiliated SB characters are former members. Comment with the following format to add your character's details.

Civilian Identity:
Powers: (brief description)
Role/Trope/Type/Etc: (what does your character bring to the table in this squad? what makes them stand out?)
Years Served:
Reason for Departure:

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